The first step is to create html page and add links to the javascript files and css dependencies to your project. The jqxBarGauge widget requires the following files:
$("#jqxGauge").jqxGauge('val', [14, 27, 35]);
To get the result of a function after calling it, you can use the following syntax:
var values = $("#jqxbargauge'").jqxBarGauge(‘val’);
To set a property(option), you need to pass the property name and value(s) in the
jqxBarGauge's constructor.
$("#jqxbargauge").jqxBarGauge({ backgroundColor: 'red' });
To get a property(option), you need to pass the property name to the jqxBarGauge's
var backgroundColor = $("#jqxbargauge").jqxBarGauge('backgroundColor');
To bind to an event of a UI widget, you can use basic jQuery syntax. Let’s suppose
that you want to get the selected date after the user clicks on a cell. The example
code below demonstrates how to bind to the ‘valuechanged’ event of jqxBarGauge.
$('#jqxbargauge').on('valueChanged', function (event) {