Sets or gets whether the Timeline is with auto width in horizontal mode.
autoWidth is set to true
$('#myTimeline').jqxTimeline({autoWidth: true});
Sets or gets whether the items can be collapsed.
collapsible is set to true
$('#myTimeline').jqxTimeline({collapsible: true});
Sets or gets whether the Timeline is disabled.
disabled is set to true
$('#myTimeline').jqxTimeline({disabled: true});
Sets or gets whether the Timeline is horizontal.
$('#myTimeline').jqxTimeline({horizontal: true});
Sets or gets position.
$('#myTimeline').jqxTimeline({position: near});
Sets or gets the items. Each item should be an object. The object has the following properties: date: date, description: string, subtitle: string, css: string, dotCSS: string, title: string and icon: string.
Sets or gets the items
$('#myTimeline').jqxTimeline({source: [{ date: 'May 15, 2024', description: 'Flight: Reserving airline tickets', subtitle: 'May 15, 2024', title: 'Flight Reservation', icon: 'material-icons flight', dotCSS: '' }]});
Sets the widget's theme.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../jqwidgets/styles/jqx.base.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../jqwidgets/styles/jqx.material.css" type="text/css" />
theme is set to 'material'
$('#myTimeline').jqxTimeline({theme: material});
Re-renders the timeline.