Today, we will illustrate how to set the jqxWindow’s content and title via PHP.
1. Create a new index.php page.
2. In the head tag of your page, include the following JavaScript and CSS files.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jqwidgets/styles/jqx.base.css" type="text/css" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="jqwidgets/styles/jqx.classic.css" type="text/css" /><script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="jqwidgets/jqxcore.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="jqwidgets/jqxwindow.js"></script>
3. In the HTML markup, add a DIV tag with 2 nested DIV tags – one for the jqxWindow’s Title and another for its content. In the code below is illustrated how to generate a simple title and content with PHP. With a PHP loop, we created a simple HTML table with 10 rows and 2 columns. That table will be displayed in the jqxWindow’s content area.
<div id="window"> <div> <?php echo "Title" ?> </div> <div> <?php $price = 10; echo "<table style='height: 100%; width: 100%;' border=\"1\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<tr><th>Quantity</th>"; echo "<th>Price</th></tr>"; for ( $counter = 10; $counter <= 100; $counter += 10) { echo "<tr><td>"; echo $counter; echo "</td><td>"; echo $price * $counter; echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; ?> </div></div>
4. The final step is to select the ‘window’ DIV tag with jQuery and call the jqxWindow constructor function.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $('#window').jqxWindow({ theme: 'classic'}); });</script>
The result is below: