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jQWidgets 2.6
What’s New: – jqxChart Logarithmic Axis. – jqxInput widget. What’s Improved: – jqxGrid horizontal scrolling performance. – jqxChart text rotation attribute for the values along the y-axis. – jqxChart horizontal and vertical text alignment for the items along the x-axis … Continue reading →
Posted in: JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets
Tagged: jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxchart, jqxComboBox, jqxdatetimeinput, jqxGrid, jqxinput, jqxmaskedinput, jqxsplitter, jqxtree
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Tree Navigation with Splitter
In this post, we’ll create a simple Navigation with the jqxTree and jqxSplitter widgets. When the user selects a tree item, a content panel will be updated depending on the selected item. 1. Include the JavaScript and CSS files. <link … Continue reading →
Posted in: jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jqxSplitter, jqxTree
Tagged: javascript splitter, javascript tree, jquery border layout, jquery layout, jquery layout plugin, jquery split container. jquery ui layout, jquery split layout, jquery splitter, jQuery Tree, jquery tree control, jquery treeview, jqxsplitter, jqxtree, split container, split layout, split navigation, splitter, tree, tree control, tree navigation
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Nested Splitters with Auto Size behavior
In this post, we will illustrate you how to create a web page with nested splitters that adjust their size to fill the bounds of the browser window. The sample has one horizontal splliter with three split panels – ‘North’, … Continue reading →
Posted in: JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxSplitter
Tagged: html5 splitter, javascript split layout, javascript splitter, javascript splitter plugin, jquery split bar, jquery split container, jquery split layout, jquery splitter, jquery splitter component, jquery splitter control, jquery splitter plugin, jquery splitter widget, jquery ui splitter, jQuery Widgets, jqxsplitter, split container, split layout, splitter, splitter control, splitter plugin
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Restrict Splitter Dragging
In this post, we will show you how to restrict the dragging range of the Splitter’s Split bar. The example code below, creates a Splitter with two Panels. The important thing in the code is the initialization of the split … Continue reading →
Posted in: JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxSplitter
Tagged: border layout, javascript splitter, jquery layout plugin, jquery split container, jquery splitter, jquery ui splitter, jqwidgets splitter, jqxsplitter, layout plugin, nested layout, split bar, split container, split layout, split widget, splitter, splitter plugin, splitter widget, splitters
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Four-Column Splitter
Let’s see how to create a Splitter with 4 columns. The same approach can be used for creating a Splitter with any number of columns. 1. Add the HTML structure to the document’s body. The HTML markup contains a DIV … Continue reading →
Posted in: jqxSplitter
Tagged: asp .net splitter, border layout, javascript splitter, jquery layout plugin, jquery split container, jquery splitter, jQuery UI, jquery ui splitter, jQuery UI Widgets, jqwidgets splitter, jqxsplitter, layout plugin, nested layout, nested splitter, php splitter, split bar, split container, split layout, split widget, splitter, splitter plugin, splitter widget, splitters
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Fit Splitter to the Web Page’s bounds
To create a Splitter that fits to the document’s bounds, you need to set its ‘width’ and ‘height’ properties to ‘100%’ and set also the width and height properties of the web page to ‘100%’. The splitter will automatically adjust … Continue reading →
Posted in: JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxSplitter
Tagged: border layout, javascript splitter, jquery layout plugin, jquery split container, jquery splitter, jquery ui splitter, jqwidgets splitter, jqxsplitter, layout plugin, nested layout, nested splitter, php splitter, split bar, split container, split layout, split widget, splitter, splitter plugin, splitter widget, splitters
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Three-Pane Splitter
In this post, we will show you how to create a simple three pane splitter. 1. Create the HTML structure for the Splitters. The jqxSplitter widget requires at least 3 DIV tags – 1 container DIV and 2 nested DIV … Continue reading →
Posted in: JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxSplitter
Tagged: border layout, horizontal splitter, javascript splitter, jquery layout plugin, jquery split container, jquery splitter, jquery ui splitter, jqwidgets splitter, jqxsplitter, layout plugin, nested layout, nested splitter, nested splitters, split bar, split container, split layout, split widget, splitter, splitter plugin, splitter widget, splitters, three-pane splitter, vertical splitter
Splitter Auto Resizing
In this post, we will show you how to make jqxSplitter fit to the size of the document’s body. First you have to add the following HTML to the document’s body: <div id=”splitter”> <div></div> <div></div></div> This is going to represet … Continue reading →
Posted in: JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jqxSplitter
Tagged: border layout, javascript splitter, jquery layout plugin, jquery split container, jquery splitter, jquery ui splitter, jqwidgets splitter, jqxsplitter, layout plugin, nested layout, nested splitter, split bar, split container, split layout, split widget, splitter, splitter plugin, splitter widget, splitters
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Working with Nested Splitters
In this post we will introduce you how to build your page layout using nested splitters. Create a HTML file called NestedSplitters.html that contains the following HTML code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../jqwidgets/styles/jqx.base.css" type="text/css" /> <link … Continue reading →
Posted in: JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxSplitter
Tagged: border layout, javascript splitter, jquery layout plugin, jquery split container, jquery splitter, jquery ui splitter, jqwidgets splitter, jqxsplitter, layout plugin, nested layout, nested splitter, split bar, split container, split layout, split widget, splitter, splitter plugin, splitter widget, splitters
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jQuery Splitter
The jQuery Splliter plugin consists of a movable split bar that divides a container’s display area into two or more resizable panels. We are going to show you some of the basic features of the Splitter and how to add … Continue reading →
Posted in: JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxSplitter
Tagged: border layout, javascript split layout, javascript splitcontainer, javascript splitter, javascript ui splitter, jquery layout, jquery split container, jquery split layout, jquery splitter, jquery splitter plugin, jquery splitter widget, jquery ui layout, jquery ui splitter, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxsplitter, split bar, split container, split layout, split panels, splitter, splitter panels, splitter plugin, splitter widget
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