jQWidgets v13.2.0 Release, Jan-27-2022 What’s New: – jqxGrid Columns render is enhanced with badges showing the column’s sort index. What’s Improved: – jqxSwitchButton events API. Added changeType argument. What’s Fixed: – Fixed an issue in jqxKanban. ‘itemMoved’ event returns ‘args.NewColumn’ … Continue reading →
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ANGULAR, ANGULAR GRID, Chart, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQWidgets, PHP, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, Uncategorized, VUE, VUEJS
angular, angular 13, datagrid, grid, kanban, pivotgrid, scheduler, switch button
jQWidgets v12.1.0 Release, June-18-2021 What’s New: – jqxSplitLayout component for Angular & Javascript What’s Improved: – jqxGrid HTML Sanitization. – jqxDateTimeInput and jqxNumberInput mobile device UX. – jqxDateTimeInput delete button element which allows you to quickly clear the date. – … Continue reading →
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ANGULAR, ANGULAR GRID, Chart, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxButton, jqxCalendar, jqxChart, jqxCheckBox, jqxComboBox, jqxDateTimeInput, jqxDock, jqxDropDownList, jqxExpander, jqxGrid, jqxInput, jqxListBox, jqxMaskedInput, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, VUE, VUEJS
angular, angular 12, angular 13, angular 14, angular components, angular library, angular ui components, angular ui library, best angular datagrid, best angular grid, blazor, datagrid, datagrid component, enterprise angular, grid, javascript datagrid, jQWidgets
jQWidgets v12.0.4 Release, Apr-15-2021 What’s Improved: – Extended jqxGrid cells styling options with fontFamily and fontWeight options. What’s Fixed: – Fixed an issue regarding the val() method for input components using Light, Dark and the Material Themes. – Fixed an … Continue reading →
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ANGULAR, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxGrid, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, VUE, VUEJS
angular grid, datagrid, grid, javascript grid, react grid, vue grid
DataGrid Filter through Data Today, we will present you one of the upcoming new DataGrid features – Filter through all Data. The new version of the DataGrid will have an additional property called: ‘showfilterbar’. When you turn this property on, … Continue reading →
Major release just came out. It features Material Design themes, New widget, New features for multiple widgets and quality updates. What’s New: – jqxForm widget. – jqxGrid Multi-Column Sorting. – jqxGrid Adaptive Layout Rendering. – jqxGrid Column and Row Lines … Continue reading →
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ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID, angular tree, Angular5, angular7, angular8, AngularJS, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, Chart, custom elements, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxButton, jqxCalendar, jqxChart, jqxCheckBox, jqxComboBox, jqxDateTimeInput, jqxDock, jqxDropDownList, jqxExpander, jqxGrid, jqxInput, jqxListBox, jqxMaskedInput, jqxMenu, jqxNavigationBar, jqxNumberInput, jqxProgressBar, jqxRadioButton, jqxRating, jqxResponse, jqxRibbon, jqxScrollBar, jqxSlider, jqxSplitter, jqxTabs, jqxTooltip, jqxTree, jqxTreeMap, jqxValidator, jqxWindow, PHP, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript
angular material, datagrid, form, form builder, grid, Grid Sorting, javascript datagrid, javascript grid, javascript gridview, jQWidgets Grid, jqwidgets gridview, jqxform, jqxGrid, material blue, material datagrid, material design, material input, material purple, material style, material themes, material ui, multi sorting
This post is about our Data Grid performance. Its performance is unbeatable in scenarios with thousands of rows and columns. It supports UI Virtualization for Rows and Columns. You may ask what does that mean? It means that we have … Continue reading →
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ANGULAR, Angular 2, ANGULAR GRID, ASP .NET, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, custom elements, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxGrid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS
angular grid, best angular grid, best javascript grid, best jquery grid, best react js grid, datagrid, grid control, gridview, javascript grid, jquery data grid, jquery grid, jquery gridview, react grid
From this post, you will learn how to set a custom CSS class to a Grid column. 1. Create the CSS class. .column { background-color: #034FCD; color: white; font-weight: bold; } 2. When you initialize a DataGrid column, set its … Continue reading →
In this post, we will show you how to connect our jQuery Grid to a MySql Database using PHP. We will obtain the data from MySql Database and especially the Northwind Database. The data will be loaded on demand when … Continue reading →
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JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, jQuery, jqxGrid, PHP
datagrid, grid control, javascript datagrid, javascript datagrid control, javascript grid, javascript gridview, jquery datagrid, jquery datagrid control, jquery datatable, jquery grid, jqxGrid, php data control, php datagrid, php datagrid control, php datagridview, php datatable, php grid, php grid control, virtual scrolling with php
In order to disable the editing of a cell, you need to define a function called ‘cellbeginedit’ in the column’s definition. For example: { text: ‘First Name’, columntype: ‘textbox’, datafield: ‘firstname’, width: 90, cellbeginedit: function (row) { if (row == … Continue reading →
In this post, we will use in the data binding a custom JsonResult Class for ASP.Net MVC to avoid MaxJsonLength Exceeded Exception. The class is called LargeJsonResult. Here’s its implementation: using System;using System.Web.Script.Serialization;namespace System.Web.Mvc{ public class LargeJsonResult : JsonResult { … Continue reading →
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ASP .NET, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jqxGrid
asp .net grid, asp .net mvc grid, datagrid, datagrid control, datagridview control, datatable, grid binding, gridview control, jquery grid control, jquery grid plugin, jquery ui grid, jQuery Widgets, json binding, json datatable, largejsonresult, sql binding