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- ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers
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Smart UI v18.0.0
Smart UI v18.0.0 Release, Jan-24-2024 What’s New: Grid Card view layout. Grid Computed columns with Formulas. Grid Column Editor with custom data source. What’s Improved: Grid Performance. The scrolling, data updates and mobile UX. Dropdownlist, ComboBox, Menus and other dropdowns … Continue reading →
Posted in: ANGULAR, Chart, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, PHP, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, VUE, VUEJS
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Front-end Development Services
Do you need software development help? As a leader in front-end development, we have a team of professionals who can assist you with solving tough technical challenges. We offer deep expertise developing complex projects with Angular, React, Vue, Blazor, JavaScript … Continue reading →
jQWidgets v13.2.0
jQWidgets v13.2.0 Release, Jan-27-2022 What’s New: – jqxGrid Columns render is enhanced with badges showing the column’s sort index. What’s Improved: – jqxSwitchButton events API. Added changeType argument. What’s Fixed: – Fixed an issue in jqxKanban. ‘itemMoved’ event returns ‘args.NewColumn’ … Continue reading →
Posted in: ANGULAR, ANGULAR GRID, Chart, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQWidgets, PHP, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, Uncategorized, VUE, VUEJS
Tagged: angular, angular 13, datagrid, grid, kanban, pivotgrid, scheduler, switch button
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jqxGrid Batch Edit
The next version of jQWidgets is coming soon and will bring a new jqxGrid feature – Batch editing. You can use batch editing to defer saving multiple cell value changes. All edit changes are stored in a buffer and can … Continue reading →
Posted in: ANGULAR, Grid, JavaScript UI, jQuery, jQuery UI, jQWidgets, jqxGrid, react grid, VUE, VUEJS
Tagged: datagrid batch edit, datagrid batchediting, grid batch edit
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jQWidgets ver. 12.1.0
jQWidgets v12.1.0 Release, June-18-2021 What’s New: – jqxSplitLayout component for Angular & Javascript What’s Improved: – jqxGrid HTML Sanitization. – jqxDateTimeInput and jqxNumberInput mobile device UX. – jqxDateTimeInput delete button element which allows you to quickly clear the date. – … Continue reading →
Posted in: ANGULAR, ANGULAR GRID, Chart, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxButton, jqxCalendar, jqxChart, jqxCheckBox, jqxComboBox, jqxDateTimeInput, jqxDock, jqxDropDownList, jqxExpander, jqxGrid, jqxInput, jqxListBox, jqxMaskedInput, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, VUE, VUEJS
Tagged: angular, angular 12, angular 13, angular 14, angular components, angular library, angular ui components, angular ui library, best angular datagrid, best angular grid, blazor, datagrid, datagrid component, enterprise angular, grid, javascript datagrid, jQWidgets
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jQWidgets ver 12.0.0
jQWidgets v12.0.0 Release, Feb-24-2021 What’s New: – jqxGrid Card View mode. – Angular v11.2.2 support. What’s Fixed: – Fixed an issue regarding the jqxNumberInput component. Using the “val” method with the negative value it behaves inappropriately when is with the … Continue reading →
Posted in: ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID, angular tree, Angular5, angular7, angular8, AngularJS, ASP .NET, Chart, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, jQuery, jQWidgets, jqxGrid, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, VUEJS
Tagged: angular, angular 11, angular 12, bootstrap, jQWidgets, react, vue, vuew
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Smart UI R1 2021 Release Is Here
Smart UI Release is Here! The first release of 2021 of Smart UI is available, bringing many advanced features and updates across our Javascript & Blazor libraries What’s New: – Admin Dashboard Templates – Scheduler for Blazor – Server-side Scheduler … Continue reading →
Posted in: ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID, angular tree, Angular5, angular7, angular8, AngularJS, ASP .NET, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, Chart, custom elements, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxButton, jqxCalendar, jqxChart, jqxCheckBox, jqxComboBox, jqxDateTimeInput, jqxDock, jqxDropDownList, jqxExpander, jqxGrid, jqxInput, jqxListBox, jqxMaskedInput, jqxMenu, jqxNavigationBar, jqxNumberInput, jqxProgressBar, jqxRadioButton, jqxRating, jqxResponse, jqxRibbon, jqxScrollBar, jqxSlider, jqxSplitter, jqxTabs, jqxTooltip, jqxTree, jqxTreeMap, jqxValidator, jqxWindow, PHP, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, VUE, VUEJS
Tagged: admin dashboard, admin template, angular, bootstrap, bootstrap 5, bootstrap template, JavaScript, jQWidgets, react, smart ui, themeforest, uikit, uilibrary, ux, ux template, ux theme, vue, vue 3
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jQWidgets ver 11.0.1
jQWidgets v11.0.1 Release, Dec-09-2020 What’s Fixed: – Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the Sorting icons rendering in energyblue and darkblue themes.
Posted in: ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular tree, Angular5, angular7, angular8, AngularJS, ASP .NET, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, Chart, custom elements, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxButton, jqxDateTimeInput, jqxGrid
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jQWidgets ver 10.1.6
jQWidgets v10.1.6 Release, Oct-16-2020 What’s Fixed: – Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the scrolling with mouse wheel in Chrome 86. – Fixed an issue in jqxGrid data export, when the data has symbols like &, @, etc. – Fixed … Continue reading →
Posted in: ANGULAR, ANGULAR GRID, custom elements, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery Widgets, jqxCalendar, jqxCheckBox, jqxNumberInput, jqxProgressBar, jqxRadioButton, jqxResponse, PHP, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, VUE, VUEJS
Tagged: chrome 86, google chrome, grid scrolling, jQWidgets
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Posted in: ANGULAR, Angular 2, angular 4, angular 5, Angular 6, ANGULAR GRID, angular tree, Angular5, angular7, angular8, AngularJS, ASP .NET, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers, Chart, custom elements, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxButton, jqxCalendar, jqxExpander, jqxGrid, jqxNavigationBar, jqxNumberInput, jqxScrollBar, jqxSlider, jqxTabs, jqxTree, jqxTreeMap, jqxWindow, PHP, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, VUE, VUEJS
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