What’s New:
– jqxScheduler, jqxDockingLayout, jqxLayout, jqxTextArea, jqxTagCloud, jqxResponsivePanel, jqxPopover, jqxLoader widgets.– jqxGrid best fit columns resizing. End-users now can auto-resize columns by double clicking on the column header’s right border.
– jqxChart Pie and Donut slices expansion on selection.
– jqxCalendar Restricted dates feature.
– jqxRibbon Tabs reorder functionality.
What’s Improved:
– jqxChart’s labels positioning in Pie and Donut series.– jqxChart’s default value axis number formatting.
– jqxFormattedInput Select All with Ctrl+A.
– jqxFormattedInput radix can now be changed through the dropdown even when the input is empty.
What’s Fixed:
– Fixed an issue in jqxTreeGrid regarding the hierarchical checkboxes when Sorting is applied.– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the ever present row rendering when a column is pinned.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the multiple cells advanced selection when columns width is in percentages.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the excel filter for filtering date column.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the initial column filter functionality when the filter is applied to numeric column and filter row is turned on.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the save/load state of Date filter.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the DateTimeInput editor’s localization.
– Fixed an issue in jqxDateTimeInput regarding the Tab key navigation in Firefox.
– Fixed an issue in jqxDateTimeInput regarding date selection when closing the popup calendar by clicking on the calendar button.
– Fixed an issue in jqxDateTimeInput regarding the rendering of the time popup after navigation through the calendar popup.
– Fixed an issue in jqxChart value axis range display when all values are 0s.
– Fixed an issue in jqxChart range selector layout issues.
– Fixed an issue in jqxChart range selector mouseup outside of area event handling bug.
– Fixed an issue in jqxChart range selector refresh issue when used with ‘basic’ type xAxis.
– Fixed an issue in jqxChart about export to image with rangeselector.
– Fixed an issue in jqxScrollBar about small scroll ranges layout.
– Fixed an issue in jqxFileUpload regarding an “Access is denied” error in Internet Explorer 10.
– Fixed an issue in jqxFormattedInput regarding the entering of numbers through the numeric keypad.
– Fixed an issue in jqxComplexInput regarding the entering of numbers through the numeric keypad.
– Fixed an issue in jqxRibbon when header items contain images or other non-text HTML elements.