What’s New:
– Pie Chart– Bubble Chart
– Scatter Chart
– jqxChart Category Axis Ranges and Scaling
– jqxChart Customizable Chart legend layout
What’s Improved:
– jqxGrid Filtering of Time values.– jqxGrid dynamic resizing. It is now possible to set the jqxGrid’s width or height at run-time after the jqxGrid’s initialization.
– jqxDataAdapter data binding to arrays. Is is now possible to define the binding path to properties in complex objects.
What’s Fixed:
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxGrid filtering. The pager was not updated correctly.– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxGrid localization. The patterns were not localized.
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxGrid filtering menu z-index in IE7.
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxGrid when the column’s width is set to a value which is less than the column’s minwidth.
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxGrid columns click event handler.
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxChart Area series rendering on IPad and IPhone.
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxChart tick-marks rendering.
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxChart Areas rendering in IE8.
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxTree horizontal scrolling.
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxTree CheckBoxes rendering in IE7.
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxPanel scrolling in IE7 & IE8.
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxTree, jqxListBox, jqxPanel, jqxDropDownList, jqxComboBox and jqxGrid mouse-wheel in IE7.
– Fixed an issue regarding the jqxDropDownList, jqxComboBox, jqxDateTimeInput popup z-index in IE7 when the widget’s container is the jqxWindow.
Breaking changes:
– vertical grid lines and tick marks’ units are calculated relative to the axis unitInterval– columns gap percentage is calculated relative to the full space available to a column regardless of the other columns. This may leave more space between columns in existing application unless the developer adjusts the value. The default settings were modified to maintain best possible compatibility with previous versions.
To download now, visit the download page: http://www.jqwidgets.com/download