Smart UI v18.0.0

Smart UI v18.0.0 Release, Jan-24-2024

What’s New:

  • Grid Card view layout.
  • Grid Computed columns with Formulas.
  • Grid Column Editor with custom data source.

What’s Improved:

  • Grid Performance. The scrolling, data updates and mobile UX.
  • Dropdownlist, ComboBox, Menus and other dropdowns UX animations & effects.
  • Gantt day view now allows you to display hour, half hour and quarter slots.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about column reorder in column groups.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid about autoHideGroupColumn option.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid related to the prepared sql queries.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid related to the dropdown when the Grid is inside a Window.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid related to the Filter row when Ctrl+A is used.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid related to the localization of the Data Exported currencies.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grid related to the column reorder & toolbar rendering after removing the Grid from the DOM and them adding it again.
  • Fixed an issue in the DockingLayout related to the state maitenance.
  • Fixed an issue in the DockingLayout related to the dragging of text and images in a layout panel.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt issue related to the rendering in Month view when monthScale = ‘day’.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt issue related to the firstDayOfWeek property.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt dayScale which allows you to display hour, half hour and quarter in the Gantt’s day view.
  • Fixed an issue in the Gantt about task base line rendering in month and year views.
  • Fixed an issue in the Scheduler issue is fixed related to the Timeline Month view when Event is resized.

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This entry was posted in ANGULAR, Chart, Grid, html elements, JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript UI, JavaScript UI Plugins, JavaScript UI Widgets, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, PHP, Pivot Grid, React, react grid, React Javascript Library, REACTJS, typescript, VUE, VUEJS. Bookmark the permalink.

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