We are happy to announce the availability of jQWidgets 2.8.2.
Please, find below the full list of changes in the new version:
What’s New:
– jqxChart axis position property allowing to position x and y axes on any side of the chart.
– jqxChart axis padding property allowing to set space between adjacent axes.
What’s Improved:
– jqxTree – added addBefore, addAfter and updateItem API methods.
– jqxGrid – improved XML binding. It is now possible to load data from the XML attributes.
– jqxChart – improved date string handling in old IE browsers.
– jqxChart – prevent chart refersh when the host element is not visible.
What’s Fixed:
– Fixed an issue in jqxButtonGroup regarding the dynamic changing of themes.
– Fixed an issue in jqxComboBox regarding the getSelectedItem method. Results were incorrect when the auto-complete is enabled.
– Fixed an issue in jqxChart regarding the minor tickmarks overflow.
– Fixed an issue in jqxChart with clipping chart legend when it doesn’t fit properly.
– Fixed an issue in jqxChart regarding the gradient fill with multiple chart instances in Firefox browser.
– Fixed an issue in jqxDateTimeInput in FF regarding Date editing.
– Fixed an issue in jqxDateTimeInput regarding the Today and Clear footer buttons.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the inline editing of numeric values using the textbox editor.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the row details rendering when the autoheight and autorowheight properties are enabled.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the Knockout Integration – the issue was related with the rows delete.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the Export to Excel of cells with integer values.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the Export to Excel. The exported data can now be opened from OpenOffice.
– Fixed an issue in jqxSlider regarding the rendering of the range bar.
– Fixed an issue in jqxMenu regarding the autoOpen functionality when a top-level menu item without anchor tag is clicked.
– Fixed an issue in jqxDateTimeInput regarding the ‘change’ event triggering. The event was incorrectly triggered more than once after selection.
If you have any technical questions about the new version, please send an e-mail to: support@jqwidgets.com.
You can download jQWidgets 2.8.2 from: http://www.jqwidgets.com/download
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