jQuery UI Widgets › Forums › Grid › using jqxvalidation , jqxwindow ,jqx tabs all together
Tagged: form, jqxTabs, jqxvalidation, jqxvalidator, tab, Tabs, validation, validationError, validator
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by pankhi 9 years, 8 months ago.
I am using jqxtabs ,and each tab has form. The issue is i want error icon to come on all tabs if there is any validation error inside any tab on click of a button . But currently error icon is getting displayed only on tab which is currently selected by user. not on unselected tabs, Please help me out.
following is the code i am using:-$ = jQuery.noConflict(); $(document).ready(function() { //=========================== // show the grid for email Template //=========================== var url = "/ebays/emailtemplatejson"; // action from where we get the result in json var source = { datatype: "json", datafields: [{ name: 'Subject', type: 'string', map: 'SystemUserEmailTemplate>Subject' }, { name: 'Type', type: 'string', map: 'SystemEmailTemplateType>Type' }, { name: 'TypeDisplay', type: 'string', map: 'SystemEmailTemplateType>TypeDisplay' }, { name: 'PlainTextBody', type: 'string', map: 'SystemUserEmailTemplate>PlainTextBody' }, { name: 'UserPlateformId', type: 'string', map: 'SystemUserEmailTemplate>UserPlateformId' }, { name: 'TypeId', type: 'string', map: 'SystemUserEmailTemplate>Type' }, { name: 'Enable', type: 'string', map: 'SystemUserEmailTemplate>Enable' }, { name: 'Explanation', type: 'string', map: 'SystemUserEmailTemplate>Explanation' }, { name: 'Bcc', type: 'string', map: 'SystemUserEmailTemplate>Bcc' }], updaterow: function(rowid, rowdata, commit) { // synchronize with the server - send update command }, id: 'SystemUserEmailTemplate>Id', url: url, pagesize: 30 }; var cellsrenderer = function(row, columnfield, value, defaulthtml, columnproperties) { if (value == "1") { return "yes"; } else if (value == "0") { return "No"; } } var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source); var editrow = -1; // initialize jqxGrid $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid({ width: '100%', theme: KiouiTheme, height: 350, source: dataAdapter, pageable: true, autoheight: true, sortable: true, altrows: true, enabletooltips: true, pagesizeoptions: ['10', '20', '30', '40'], showfilterrow: true, filterable: true, showtoolbar: false, enablebrowserselection: true, selectionmode: 'singlecell', // columns shown in grid are mention below columns: [{ text: '', datafield: 'Edit', columntype: 'number', filterable: false, sortable: false, width: '5%', cellsrenderer: function() { return '<div style="width: 100%"><img src="/images/edit.png" title="Edit" style=" margin-top: 10%;margin-left: 25%" /></div>'; } }, { text: 'Type', datafield: 'TypeDisplay', width: '35%', filtertype: 'checkedlist' }, { text: 'Subject', datafield: 'Subject', width: '35%' }, { text: "User", datafield: 'UserPlateformId', width: '10%' }, { text: "Bcc", datafield: 'Bcc', width: '5%', cellsrenderer:cellsrenderer, }, { text: "Enable", datafield: 'Enable', width: '5%', cellsrenderer: cellsrenderer, }, { text: '', datafield: 'Delete', columntype: 'number', filterable: false, sortable: false, width: '5%', cellsrenderer: function() { return '<div><img src="/images/trash.png" title="Delete" style="margin-top:10%;margin-left:25%" /></div>'; } }, ] }); //------------------------------------ // adding validation to the form //------------------------------------ $('#addtemplateForm').jqxValidator({ rules: [{ input: '#SystemUserEmailTemplateType', message: 'Please select a message type.', action: 'keyup,blur', rule: function(input, commit) { var type = $("#SystemUserEmailTemplateType").val(); if (type != 0) { return true; } return false; } }, { input: '#SystemUserEmailTemplateSubject', message: 'Subject is required!', action: 'keyup,blur', rule: 'required' }] }); $('#edittemplateForm').jqxValidator({ rules: [{ input: '#Subject', message: 'Subject is required!', action: 'blur', rule: 'required' }] }); // on click of edit and delete $("#jqxgrid").on("cellclick", function(event) { var column = event.args.column; var rowindex = event.args.rowindex; var columnindex = event.args.columnindex; //when user wants to edit the record if (columnindex == 0) { // open the popup window when the user clicks a button. editrow = rowindex; var offset = $("#jqxgrid").offset(); $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow({ theme: KiouiTheme, position: { x: parseInt(offset.left) + 60, y: parseInt(offset.top) - 20 } }); // get the clicked row's data and initialize the input fields. var dataRecord = $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('getrowdata', editrow); $("#Subject").val(dataRecord.Subject); $("#Type").val(dataRecord.TypeId); $("#Enable").val(dataRecord.Enable); $("#WaitForDays").val(dataRecord.WaitForDays); $("#Bcc").val(dataRecord.Bcc); if (($("#PlainTextBody").val() == "") && (dataRecord.PlainTextBody != "")) { // after page loads $("#PlainTextBody").html(dataRecord.PlainTextBody); } else { $("#PlainTextBody").jqxEditor('val', dataRecord.PlainTextBody); } // show the popup window. $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('show'); }; // if user click want to delete record if (columnindex == 5) { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?')) { deleterow = rowindex; var rowID = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getrowid', deleterow); // fetch the deleted id var del = "param=delete&Id=" + rowID; $.ajax({ url: '/ebays/deleteemailtemplateajax', data: del, type: "POST", cache: false, async: false, success: function(response) { var res = response.match(/success/g); if (response.replace(/\s+/, "") == res) { var action = "delete"; gridmessage(action); //function called to disaply me $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('updatebounddata'); } } }); }; }; }); var initGrid = function() { // update the edited row when the user clicks the 'Update' button. $(".Saverecord").click(function(event) { var checkedit = $('#edittemplateForm').jqxValidator('validate'); // adding validation in add form if (checkedit == true) { showloader(); // to disable button and show loader image var rowID = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getrowid', editrow); var row = { Subject: $("#Subject").val(), Type: $("#Type").val(), PlainTextBody: $("#PlainTextBody").val(), UserPlateformId: $("#UserPlateformId").val(), Enable: $("#Enable").val(), WaitForDays: $("#WaitForDays").val(), Bcc: $("#Bcc").val(), Id: rowID, }; // ajax called to UPDATE the row on edit $.ajax({ url: "/ebays/updateemailtemplateajax", type: "POST", cache: false, async: true, data: row, success: function(response) { var res = response.match(/success/g); if (response.replace(/\s+/, "") == res) { $('#popupWindow').jqxWindow('close'); var action = 'edit'; showbuttons(); // function created in function.js file to show button enabled and hide loader gridmessage(action); $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('updatebounddata'); } } }); $("form").submit(function() { return false; }); } else { showbuttons(); event.preventDefault(); //If this method is called, the default action of the event will not be triggered. } }); } var initWidgetAdd = function(tab) { switch (tab) { case 0: initGridAdd(); break; case 1: $("#SystemUserEmailTemplatePlainTextBody").jqxEditor({ height: '450px', width: '650px' }); break; } } var initGridAdd = function() { //====================================================== // called ajax to save the data on click of "add template" //======================================================= $(".addtemplate").click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); //If this method is called, the default action of the event will not be triggered. var check = $('#addtemplateForm').jqxValidator('validate'); // adding validation in add form if (check === true) { showloader(); // to disable button and show loader image var EmailTemplateType = $('#SystemUserEmailTemplateType').val(); var Subject = $('#SystemUserEmailTemplateSubject').val(); var PlainTextBody = $('#SystemUserEmailTemplatePlainTextBody').val(); var ebayuser = $('#ebayuser').val(); var Enable = $('#SystemUserEmailTemplateEnable').val(); var WaitForDays = $('#SystemUserEmailTemplateWaitForDays').val(); var Bcc = $('#SystemUserEmailTemplateBcc').val(); $.ajax({ url: "/ebays/addemailtemplateajax", type: "POST", cache: false, async: true, data: { Type: EmailTemplateType, Subject: Subject, PlainTextBody: PlainTextBody, UserPlateformId: ebayuser, Enable: Enable, Bcc: Bcc, }, success: function(response) { if ($.trim(response) == "success") { $('#TempForm').jqxWindow('close'); var action = 'add'; showbuttons(); // function created in function.js file to show button enabled and hide loader gridmessage(action); $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('updatebounddata'); } } }); $("#addtemplateForm").submit(function() { return false; }); } else { showbuttons(); event.preventDefault(); //If this method is called, the default action of the event will not be triggered. } }); } //--------------------------------- // widget to show tabs for edit section //--------------------------------- // init widgets to add in different tabs var initWidgets = function(tab) { switch (tab) { case 0: initGrid(); break; case 1: $("#PlainTextBody").jqxEditor({ height: '450px', width: '650px' }); break; } } $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs({ width: "750px", initTabContent: initWidgets }); // adding tabS //--------------------------------- // widget to show tabs for add section //--------------------------------- $('#jqxTabsAdd').jqxTabs({ width: "750px", initTabContent: initWidgetAdd }); // adding tabS // the Tab Contents will be loaded with Ajax $('#jqxTabsAdd').on('selected', function(event) { var pageIndex = event.args.item + 1; // if the type is nt selected we will disabled the other tabs. if ($('#SystemUserEmailTemplateType').val() == 0) { var check = $('#addtemplateForm').jqxValidator('validate'); // adding validation in add form $('#jqxTabsAdd').jqxTabs({ disabled: true }); // disabled tab } $('#SystemUserEmailTemplateType').on('change', function(event) { if ($('#SystemUserEmailTemplateType').val() == 0) { var check = $('#addtemplateForm').jqxValidator('validate'); // adding validation in add form $('#jqxTabsAdd').jqxTabs({ disabled: true }); // disabled tab } else { $('#jqxTabsAdd').jqxTabs({ disabled: false }); // enabled tab on select of the type } }); if (pageIndex == 2) { $("#SystemUserEmailTemplatePlainTextBody").jqxEditor({ height: '450', width: '650' }); $.ajax({ url: "/ebays/prefilledcontentajax", type: "POST", cache: false, async: true, data: { Type: $("#SystemUserEmailTemplateType").val(), }, dataType: "json", success: function(response) { // response is JSON if (response[0] != undefined) { if (response[0].Subject != undefined) { $("#SystemUserEmailTemplateSubject").val(response[0].Subject); } if (response[0].PlainTextBody != undefined) { $("#SystemUserEmailTemplatePlainTextBody").val(response[0].PlainTextBody); } } else { $("#SystemUserEmailTemplateSubject").val(''); $("#SystemUserEmailTemplatePlainTextBody").val(''); } } }); } }); // show the explanation on elect of the type fro Add form $("#SystemUserEmailTemplateType").change(function() { $.ajax({ url: "/ebays/fetchTypeDetailajax", type: "POST", cache: false, async: true, data: { Type: $("#SystemUserEmailTemplateType option:selected").val(), }, dataType: "json", success: function(response) { // response is JSON if (response[0] != undefined) { $('.displayExplanation').css('visibility', 'visible'); $('.displayExp').html(response[0].Explanation); } else { $('.displayExplanation').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } } }); }); // show the explanation on elect of the type for Edit form $("#Type").change(function() { $.ajax({ url: "/ebays/fetchTypeDetailajax", type: "POST", cache: false, async: true, data: { Type: $("#Type option:selected").val(), }, dataType: "json", success: function(response) { // response is JSON if (response[0] != undefined) { $('.displayExplanation').css('visibility', 'visible'); $('.displayExp').html(response[0].Explanation); } else { $('.displayExplanation').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } } }); }); //===================================== // Tooltip code //===================================== $(".TypeTooltip").jqxTooltip({ content: '<p align=left>Select the type of message you want to create.<BR>A brief explanation will appear bellow upon selecting one.</p>', position: 'mouse', name: 'movieTooltip', position: 'right', autoHideDelay: '30000' }); $(".DaysTooltip").jqxTooltip({ content: '<p align=left>Number of days to wait after the order has been paid to send this message.</p>', position: 'mouse', name: 'movieTooltip', position: 'right', autoHideDelay: '30000' }); $(".UserTooltip").jqxTooltip({ content: '<p align=left>Makes this template available to the Customers of this Seller Id.</p>', position: 'mouse', name: 'movieTooltip', position: 'right', autoHideDelay: '30000' }); $(".htmlTooltip").jqxTooltip({ content: '<p align=left>The core message send to the Buyer.<BR>This can be plain text or HTML.</p>', position: 'mouse', name: 'movieTooltip', position: 'right', autoHideDelay: '30000' }); $(".EnableTooltip").jqxTooltip({ content: '<p align=left>Please enable or disable this message template.<BR>A disabled message is ignored by the application.</p>', position: 'mouse', name: 'movieTooltip', position: 'right', autoHideDelay: '30000' }); $(".SubjectTooltip").jqxTooltip({ content: '<p align=left>The Subject of the message.</p>', position: 'mouse', name: 'movieTooltip', position: 'right', autoHideDelay: '30000' }); $(".BccTooltip").jqxTooltip({ content: '<p align=left>Select BCC yes if you want to send email.</p>', position: 'mouse', position: 'right', autoHideDelay: '30000' }); }); //================================================================== // window open in email template view "/settings/usersemailtemplate" //================================================================== var basicDemo = (function() { //Adding event listeners function _addEventListeners() { $('#addrowbutton1').click(function() { $('#SystemUserEmailTemplateSubject').val(''); $('#SystemUserEmailTemplatePlainTextBody').val(''); $('#ebayuser').val('All'); $('#SystemUserEmailTemplateWaitForDays').val('0'); $('#SystemUserEmailTemplateType').val('0'); $('#TempForm').jqxWindow('open'); // to open the window onclick of open button }); $('#hideWindowButton').mousedown(function() { $('#TempForm').jqxWindow('close'); // to close the add emailtemplate window onclick of cancel button }); $('#cancel').mousedown(function() { $('#popupWindow').jqxWindow('close'); // to close the edit emailtemplate window onclick of close button of the details tab }); $('.cancelUser').mousedown(function() { $('#popupWindow').jqxWindow('close'); // to close the edit emailtemplate window onclick of close button of the rule }); }; //Creating all page elements which are jqxWidgets function _createElements() { $('#addrowbutton1').jqxButton({ width: '70px', theme: KiouiTheme }); }; //Creating the window function _createWindow() { var offset = $("#jqxgrid").offset(); $('#TempForm').jqxWindow({ theme: KiouiTheme, position: { x: parseInt(offset.left) + 60, y: parseInt(offset.top) - 20 }, isModal: true, modalOpacity: 0.3, height: 800, width: 800, resizable: false, autoOpen: false, initContent: function() { $('#TempForm').jqxWindow('focus'); }, }); // initialize the edit pop up window. $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow({ resizable: false, isModal: true, autoOpen: false, cancelButton: $("#cancel"), modalOpacity: 0.3, theme: KiouiTheme, height: 800, width: 800, }); }; return { config: { dragArea: null }, init: function() { _createElements(); _addEventListeners(); _createWindow(); } }; }()); $(document).ready(function() { //Initializing the demo basicDemo.init(); });
Hello pankhi,
Maybe you can display a custom message on a form’s validationError event. E.g.: the second tab is selected, you click the button and the first tab’s form does not pass the validation. You can then show a custom div in the second tab with an error message.
Best Regards,
DimitarjQWidgets team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/thanks validationError works for me. 🙂
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