jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid selected row index

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  • selected row index #94896

            $("#addrowbutton").bind("click", function () {
                var datarow;
                var index = $("#menuCategoryTimeRecipeGrid").jqxGrid('getselectedrowindex');
                // getselectedrowindex method ( 2 )
                // для добавления вновь созданной строке в плане меню пункта "Время приема пищи", как у выбранной в момент добавления, если она есть
                if(index != -1 && index != deletedRowIndex) {
                    datarow = generateMenuCategoryTimeRecipe(e.args.element.id, $('#menuCategoryTimeRecipeGrid').jqxGrid('getrowdata', $("#menuCategoryTimeRecipeGrid").jqxGrid('getselectedrowindex')).EatingTimeID); // !!! e
                } else {
                    datarow = generateMenuCategoryTimeRecipe(e.args.element.id);
                // сразу открываем модальное окно для замены рецепта
                datarow.isAdding = true;
            // удаление строки в плане-меню
            $("#menuCategoryTimeRecipeGrid").bind("cellclick", function (event) {
                if (event.args.columnindex == columnIndexToDeleteRow) { //подумать, как сделать по-другому
                    $("#menuCategoryTimeRecipeGrid").jqxGrid("setcellvalue", event.args.rowindex, "RecordStatusID", 2);
                    deletedRowIndex = $("#menuCategoryTimeRecipeGrid").jqxGrid('getselectedrowindex');
                    //clearselection method
                    //getselectedrowindex method ( -1 )

    Hello, problem is that when I delete some row in grid and then clear selection in my second event, getselectedrowindex method returns -1
    but I got second event, which adds row, and when I add another row, getselectedrowindex returns index of row, that was deleted before (I didn’t select another row in my grid)

    How can I solve that? Thank you

    selected row index #94901


    Hello Manowar,

    If you don’t have anything selected when you ‘click’ the getselectedrowindex button, it will aways return -1. After you add the new row, you need to select it and then get its index.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

    selected row index #94906


    Hi Manowar,

    You can also go through this Thread. It is similar to your question and might find it helpful, although it’s pretty old.

    Best Regards,

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