jQuery UI Widgets › Forums › Angular › jqxButton is not rendered properly in dialog window
Tagged: Angular, angular 5, initContent, jqxButton, jqxwindow
This topic contains 18 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Ivo Zhulev 6 years, 9 months ago.
Hi Liam,
Use css to style the button:
@Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styles: [<code></code> jqxbutton span, jqxbutton img { position: relative !important; } jqxbutton span { top: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; } <code></code>], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None })
Best Regards,
IvojQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/Hello, Ivo.
Thank you for answer.This fix works for button inside the window, but spoils buttons outside the window ( even if to create those buttons manually )
<jqxWindow #window [autoOpen]="false" [isModal]="true" [resizable]="false" [width]="640" [height]="480"> <div> <jqxButton #button1 [auto-create]="false" (onClick)="closeWindow()"></jqxButton> </div> </jqxWindow> <jqxButton #button2 [auto-create]="false" (onClick)="openWindow()"></jqxButton> <br/> <jqxButton #textImageButton [width]='120' [height]='40' [textImageRelation]='"imageBeforeText"' [textPosition]='"left"' [imgSrc]='"/assets/close.png"' (onClick)="openWindow()"> Button3 </jqxButton>
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit { @ViewChild('window') window: jqxWindow; @ViewChild('button1') button1: jqxButtonComponent; @ViewChild('button2') button2: jqxButtonComponent; ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.button1.createComponent({ width: 194, height: 32, textImageRelation: 'imageBeforeText', imgPosition: 'center', textPosition: 'left', imgSrc: '/assets/close.png', value: 'button1' }); this.button2.createComponent({ width: 194, height: 32, textImageRelation: 'imageBeforeText', imgPosition: 'center', textPosition: 'left', imgSrc: '/assets/close.png', value: 'button2' }); } openWindow() { this.window.open(); } closeWindow() { this.window.close(); } }
Thank you !
I have found a solution. The jqxButtonComponent must be created in initContent() method.
Important note about initContent() method. It must be declared as a class member and not as a typescript function. I think you should mention that in documentation.Wrong way :
initContent() { this.closeWindowButton.createComponent(); }
Right way :
initContent = () => { this.closeWindowButton.createComponent(); }
Working example :
import {Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import jqxWindow = jqwidgets.jqxWindow; import {jqxButtonComponent} from "jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-ts/angular_jqxbuttons"; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { @ViewChild('window') window: jqxWindow; @ViewChild('closeWindowButton') closeWindowButton: jqxButtonComponent; openWindow() { this.window.open(); } closeWindow() { this.window.close(); } initContent = () => { this.closeWindowButton.createComponent(); } }
<jqxWindow #window [autoOpen]="false" [isModal]="true" [initContent]="initContent" [resizable]="false" [width]="640" [height]="480"> <div> <jqxButton #closeWindowButton [auto-create]="false" [width]='200' [height]='40' [textImageRelation]='"imageBeforeText"' [textPosition]='"left"' [imgSrc]='"/assets/close.png"' (onClick)="closeWindow()" > Close Window </jqxButton> </div> </jqxWindow> <jqxButton #textImageButton [width]='200' [height]='40' [textImageRelation]='"imageBeforeText"' [textPosition]='"left"' [imgSrc]='"/assets/close.png"' (onClick)="openWindow()"> Open Window </jqxButton>
Thank you for support !
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