I need to present four charts (2 pie charts and, 2 bar charts) based on the selection made in a index page.
I made the controller index, the index.chtml to present a list of ship operations. Each ship operation has a button. When the user press the button I need to present the charts for thar ship operation. So the button call an action named “EstadisticasDeOperacion” (ShipStatisticOperations) which built a model and pass this model to the “EstadisticasDeOperacion.cshtml” that has the charts an each chart has a url to a jason Result to obtain its data.
but, for some reason, when I press the button on the ship operationt index, the action metod “EstadisticasDeOperacion” (ShipStatisticOperations) is executed, but the “EstadisticasDeOperacion.chtml” View is not rendering and then the charts is not render.
How can I make this interface. The charts was tested whithing a index, but the interface need to be like the description above.
Thank you!