jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid validating by clicking the button.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  inee814 11 months, 1 week ago.

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  • validating by clicking the button. #133834


    I’d like to inquire if it’s possible to implement the following scenario:
    I want to send the values from a grid to perform a database operation upon clicking a button. Before sending, I’d like to write code to validate the grid’s cell values. While the grid has column validation function, this isn’t suitable for my scenario because users might not necessarily enter the cells where validation is required. They can try to send without entering the cell.

    For this reason, I’ve utilized the grid’s showvalidationpopup function.

    I’m having trouble figuring out how to implement the disappearance of the validationpopup when a user corrects an incorrect cell value.
    Although there is a hidevalidationpopups function, it hides all validationpopups.

    I would appreciate it if you could review the entire code example at the link below and let me know if this is feasible: https://jsfiddle.net/inee814/h6fLjwa5/20/


    P.S) I read https://www.jqwidgets.com/community/topic/cant-find-hidevalidationpopups-method-in-jqxgrid/
    I don’t think these answers are quite satisfactory.

    validating by clicking the button. #133841


    You may disable the button if there are any invalid cells.
    I have modified the example, please take a look:

    You may close only all the validation popups.

    Best regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    jQWidgets Team

    validating by clicking the button. #133891


    Hi, Svetoslav Borislavov.

    I don’t think it’s a perfect fit for my scenario, but I believe it’s an acceptable approach.

    I’ll give it a try, and if necessary, I’ll reach out again.

    Thank you for the feedback.

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