I implemented a toolTipFormatFunction from http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-documentation/documentation/jqxchart/jquery-chart-formatting.htm
but the width isn’t wide enough and the box around it only extends to the first element.
It doesn’t look anything like the example I took it from.
How do I control the width of the tooltip and the box around it?
type: 'line',
toolTipFormatFunction: function(value, itemIndex, serie, group, xAxisValue, xAxis) {
var date = new Date(xAxisValue);
var formattedTooltip = \"<div>\" +
\"<b>Day: </b>\" + date.getDate() + \"</br>\" +
\"<b>Value: </b>\" + value + \"</br>\" +
\"</div >\";
return formattedTooltip;
series: [
{ dataField: 'Weight', displayText: 'Weight'}