jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid To add on a nested grid from other nested grid

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hristo 6 years ago.

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  • processmakeruser


    I have a problem about nestedgrid.

    Firstly, I want to describe you about my form that I design. I have two nested grids in this form. One of them is for bills(they are my rows) and they have detail(like product) of these bills and these details are on my nested grid. When I decided to pay one of these taxs, I click the button of ekle(its mean is add) and it must be added on of second grid with its detail.

    If we come to our problem, as you see on the picture and video record by clicking here, when I click the button of ekle for one bill, it have to be go to other grid that its name “ödeme listesi” but my problem is appear in this time. The tax goes there true but, their detail doesn’t go there, and other details of all bills on both of two grids doesn’t appear.

    Can you help me how can I send a row with keeping their details.

    pictures and a video record of my form


    Hello processmakeruser,

    From the described scenario you should have two identical jqxGrids with the relevant nested grids structure.
    I saw the video but without source code, I am not able to guess what exactly caused the issue.
    Is there any error message in the console? Do you use separate (new) DataAdapter for each one grid?

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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