jQuery UI Widgets Forums Chart stackedcolumn – Min/Max

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ivailo 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • stackedcolumn – Min/Max #75869


    I have a problem which I believe is similar to another recent post.

    I am using the stackedcolumn type. I want to define a green, yellow, and red set of areas and then plot a line on top of it.

    Here’s a sample of the green, yellow, and red stackedcolumn data…

    var sampleData = [
    { FiscalWeek: ‘W1550’, Green: 80, Yellow: 10, Red: 10, Goal: 86 }

    I only want to see 50-100, so I set these min/max values..

    minValue: 50,
    maxValue: 100,

    The problem is, it won’t display the Yellow, or Red, since it isn’t “above 50”.

    How can I get it to display a stacked chart, with ranges of 50-100, and have all three colors appear?


    stackedcolumn – Min/Max #75870

    stackedcolumn – Min/Max #75883


    Hi rebatch,

    This is a normal behavior about that widget. The stacked column is filtered by series and the values as Yellow: 10, Red: 10,, smaller than minValue: 50, are removed from the surface.

    Best Regards,
    Ivailo Ivanov

    jQWidgets Team

    stackedcolumn – Min/Max #75915


    Hey Ivailo,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I’m wondering if there’s a workaround that would do what I want.

    I want the stackedcolumn, but would like the Y values to be 70 at the bottom and then 100 at the top.

    I could subtract 70, from each value, essentially turning it into the range of 30 I want (0-30 instead of 70-100). I could subtract 70 from each plot point.

    The only catch would be the labels…can I force it to label the Y axis with a calculation, something like “value + 70”, which would then make the 0 start show ’70’ and top ’70’ display 100?


    stackedcolumn – Min/Max #75963


    Hi rebatch,

    You can use formatFunction.
    Here is the documentation.

    Best Regards,
    Ivailo Ivanov

    jQWidgets Team

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