jQuery UI Widgets Forums Editors Calendar setMaxDate not working

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • setMaxDate not working #73998


    Hi JQX Team,

    Can someone please take a look at this code and see why is it allowing to move Forward to February 2014 & March 2014 months when MaxDate is set at 2014 Jan 31st?

    I have just modified your setMaxDate jsfiddle demo .

    width: ‘200px’,
    height: ‘200px’,
    theme: ‘energyblue’
    $(‘#jqxCalendar ‘).jqxCalendar(‘setMinDate’, new Date(2014, 0, 1));
    $(‘#jqxCalendar ‘).jqxCalendar(‘setMaxDate’, new Date(2014, 0, 31));
    $(‘#jqxCalendar ‘).jqxCalendar(‘setDate’, new Date(2014, 0, 15));

    thank you.

    setMaxDate not working #74028

    Peter Stoev

    Hi jqxfidqs,

    You can navigate, but you can’t select anything. The purpose of these methods is to restrict the Calendar’s selection and that’s what happens.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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