jQuery UI Widgets › Forums › Grid › set checkbox value as checked or unchecked based on other column
Tagged: angular grid, cellendedit, checkbox, checkbox column, grid, jquery grid, jqxgrid, setcellvalue
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by sureshatpure 9 years, 3 months ago.
I have a grid with 7 columns, and one is a checkbox type
I am doing add functionality in the gird
So while adding a new row is the checkbox column is displayed$("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid( { height: 200, selectionmode: 'rowselect', source: dataAdapterAdd, theme: theme, editable: true, columnsresize: true, columns: [ {text: 'UID', datafield: 'uid', width: 150, cellsalign: 'left', hidden: true}, {text: 'Customer Group', datafield: 'custgroup', width: 100, editable: false}, {text: 'Product Group', datafield: 'itemgroup', width: 150, cellsalign: 'left', editable: false}, {text: 'Lead id', datafield: 'leadid', displayfield: 'leadid', width: 127, cellsalign: 'center', cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditor, initeditor: Results.resultsEditor, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnits,promptText:'Select Leadid', cellvaluechanging: function (row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) { //alert("oldvalue "+oldvalue); alert("newvalue "+newvalue); if (newvalue == 0) { return oldvalue; } } }, {text: 'noofleads', datafield: 'noofleads', hidden:true, width: 20, cellsalign: 'left', editable: false}, {text: 'result_type', datafield: 'result_type',hidden:false, width: 75, cellsalign: 'left', editable: false}, { text: 'Create Lead', columntype: 'checkbox', datafield: 'create_lead', width: 100, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorChkbox}, {text: 'Activity Type', datafield: 'Sub_Activity', width: 110, cellsalign: 'left', cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorat, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorat, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsat }, {text: 'Potential', datafield: 'Potential_Quantity', width: 75, cellsalign: 'left', editable: false}, {text: 'Required Quantity', datafield: 'Quantity_Requirement', width: 75, cellsalign: 'left', cellbeginedit: function (row, datafield, columntype) { var rowdata = $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); var leadid = rowdata.leadid; // alert("leadid in quantity cell rendering "+leadid); if(leadid==undefined || leadid==0) { return true; } else { return false; } } }, {text: 'Sales Type', datafield: 'division', width: 110, cellsalign: 'left',readonly:true,cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorst, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorst, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsst }, {text: 'Status', datafield: 'statusid', width: 150, cellsalign: 'center', cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorldst, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorldst, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsldst,promptText:'Select Status', cellvaluechanging: function (row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) { alert("oldvalue "+oldvalue); alert("newvalue "+newvalue); // alert("datafield "+datafield); if (newvalue == 0) { return oldvalue; } else if (newvalue!=oldvalue) { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', row, "leadsubstatusid", "Select Substatus"); return newvalue; } } }, {text: 'SubStatus', datafield: 'leadsubstatusid', width: 200, cellsalign: 'left',readonly:false,cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorldsubst, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorldsubst, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsldsubst,cellvaluechanging: function (row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) { // alert("oldvalue "+oldvalue); alert("newvalue "+newvalue); if (newvalue == 0) { return oldvalue; } else if (newvalue!=oldvalue) { if(newvalue=='Appointment Fixed') { $("#appiontment_date").val(null); $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('show'); $("#save_appdt").click(function (event){ var date_text = $('#appiontment_date').jqxDateTimeInput('getText'); if(date_text=="") { alert("Please select the Appointment Date"); return false; } else { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', jqxgrid_add_row_index, "appiontmnt_dt",date_text); $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('close'); } }); } /*Not able to get appointment start*/ if(newvalue=='Not Able to get the Appointment') { $("#popupWindowNot").jqxWindow('show'); $("#save_na2gappdt").click(function (event){ var reason_text = $('#not_able_to_get_appointment').val(); if(reason_text=="") { alert("Please Enter the Reason"); return false; } else { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', jqxgrid_add_row_index, "not_able_to_get_appointment",reason_text); $("#popupWindowNot").jqxWindow('close'); } }); } /* Not able to get appointment end*/ return newvalue; } } }, {text: 'Apptmnt Date', datafield: 'appiontmnt_dt', columntype:'datetimeinput', width: 110, align: 'left', cellsformat: 'd',formatString: 'dd/MM/yyyy',readonly:true,editable:false, hidden:false}, {text: 'Not Able', datafield: 'not_able_to_get_appointment', width: 110, align: 'left', hidden:true, editable:false}, {text: 'Mode of Contact', datafield: 'Mode_Of_Contact', width: 100, cellsalign: 'left', cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorcon, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorcon, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsst }, {text: 'Time Spent (Hrs)', datafield: 'hour', width: 75, cellsalign: 'left', columntype: 'dropdownlist', createeditor: function (row, cellvalue, editor) { editor.jqxDropDownList({source: ["00 Hr", "01 Hrs", "02 Hrs", "03 Hrs", "04 Hrs", "05 Hrs", "06 Hrs", "07 Hrs", "08 Hrs", "09 Hrs", "10 Hrs"]}); } }, {text: 'Time Spent (Mins)', datafield: 'minute', width: 75, cellsalign: 'left', columntype: 'dropdownlist', createeditor: function (row, cellvalue, editor) { editor.jqxDropDownList({source: ["0 mins", "5 mins", "10 mins", " 15 mins", "20 mins", "25 mins", "30 mins", " 35 mins", "40 mins", "45 mins", " 50 mins", "55 mins"]}); } }, {text: 'Notes / Remarks', datafield: 'Notes_Remarks', width: 150, cellsalign: 'left'}, ] });
On click on the Lead id , i try to get some values from the database and then based on this is value
i set the “result_type” column value as “Select” or “Value”, if the result is a “Value” then i want to set the checkbox column “Create Lead” as checked.
How can i achieve this..?November 4, 2015 at 12:27 pm set checkbox value as checked or unchecked based on other column #77742Hi sureshatpure,
Please try this solution:
$('#jqxgrid_add').on('cellendedit', function (event) { // event arguments. var args = event.args; // column data field. var dataField = event.args.datafield; // row's bound index. var rowBoundIndex = event.args.rowindex; // cell value var value = args.value; if (dataField === 'result_type') { if (value === 'Select') { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', rowBoundIndex, "create_lead", false); } else if (value === 'Value') { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', rowBoundIndex, "create_lead", true); } } });
Best Regards,
DimitarjQWidgets team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/November 4, 2015 at 12:51 pm set checkbox value as checked or unchecked based on other column #77747Thanks Dimitar
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