jQuery UI Widgets Forums Scheduler Scheduler – view Month – not get time

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  • Scheduler – view Month – not get time #88836


    Hi team,
    I am having trouble getting the correct time for an appointment when the calendar this month with (contains resources), always returns 00:00:00

    (appointment.from.toLocaleString()) –> incorrect

    Can help me to solve this issue, thanks

    // config
    date: new $.jqx.date(fechaSistema.getFullYear(), fechaSistema.getMonth() + 1, fechaSistema.getDate()),

    width: ‘100%’,
    height: ‘700px’,
    dayNameFormat: “abbr”,
    source: adapter,
    timeZone: ‘UTC-03:00’,
    showLegend: true,
    rowsHeight: 25,

    theme: ‘office’,
    statuses: {
    free: “green”,
    tentative: “orange”,
    busy: “red”

    // add appointment

    $(“#scheduler”).on(‘appointmentAdd’, function (event) {
    var args = event.args;
    var appointment = args.appointment;

    oCita.desde = appointment.from.toLocaleString(); –> this line date correct and time 00:00:00 ???
    oCita.hasta = appointment.to.toLocaleString();

    Scheduler – view Month – not get time #88945


    Hi pablosym,

    We tested your code and we are not facing the issue you’re having. Check if “fechaSistema” returns correct date. Also by default when you’re in “monthview” and you set a new appointment the “All day” checkbox might be checked which will set the start time of the appointment to 00:00:00. You need to uncheck it and set the time you want.

    Here is a demo of you your code, working the way you expect to:


    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

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