I’m trying to integrate a ProgressBar into a Grid.
To do that, I use the “cellsrenderer” of the grid, and i add the ProgressBar!
The first time (for initialized the Grid), i create an empty grid with an id, and i create the progressbar after, when the Grid is initialized. At this point, all is good!
But when i edit an other cell (like the dropdownlist cell), the text disappear! And when i edit a second time, the progressbar disappear totally!
I’ve create a JSFiddle to demonstrate that bug.
Did you have any idea which cause the progressbar disapear?
I know that if we remove this following line, the bug disappear!
self.widgetAdded[row + "_" + columnfield]['widget'].jqxProgressBar('val', value);
But i need to change the value sometimes (it’s not necessary in this example but it is in my code). When i look the html code before and after edit the dropdownlist cell, i remark that some CSS are added to my progressbar div, but i don’t know why?!
If you can help me, it would be great!
Best Regards,