jQuery UI Widgets Forums Layouts Panel and Responsive Panel Problems in IE with large HTML inside a Panel

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ivailo 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Thomas Schmidt

    Hi together

    I want to display a calender inside a jqxPanel. The calendar is a real big HTML <div> of about 500.000 bytes length. I put the HTML code into the panel using:

    var html = ‘…’; // Real big HTML code
    var panel = $( ‘#mypanel’ );

    panel.jqxPanel(‘append’, html);

    Everything works fine in Chrome and Firefox. The IE takes minutes until the HTML is displayed. Scrolling is impossible in IE. The IE obviously hangs up.

    If I do not use the jqxPanel but a simple jquery object (i.e. a <div>) and set the content via


    the result is quite OK. It is still slow, but it works.

    Is there any workaround to use jqxPanels with large HTML content in IE?

    Thanks for any answer


    Hi Thomas,

    With this scenario you can first set the content of the object and then to convert it to jqxPanel.

    Best Regards,
    Ivailo Ivanov

    jQWidgets Team

    Thomas Schmidt

    Hi Ivailo

    Thank you for your quick answer. But unfortunately that what you recommend does not work. Even if I create first the <div> with all calendar content and then I convert the div to a jqxPanel the IE takes very long until the result is displayed and hangs up if you scroll. All other browsers work fine.

    It seems so that the problem occurs if a jqxPanel with big html content is displayed with IE.
    No matter if the jqxPanel is created first and then filled witch content or vice versa.

    Do you have any mor ideas?

    Best Regards
    Thomas Schmidt

    Problems in IE with large HTML inside a Panel #75911


    Hi Thomas,

    Can you send a fiddle/jseditor with your actual code + data for better test/analyze of the problem?

    Best Regards,
    Ivailo Ivanov

    jQWidgets Team

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