jQuery UI Widgets Forums Lists ListBox Only 1 item shows in listbox

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 13 years ago.

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  • Only 1 item shows in listbox #1982


    I am using jqxListBox, for a simple test, I am just filling it with 3 items. However when it is displayed ONLY the last item in the list is displayed.
    Here is code:

     var source = [
    $("#WebSourceList").jqxListBox({ source: source, width: '200', height: '300', theme: GetTheme() });

    Here is what it looks like: (Notice only the last item is shown, no matter how many items are in source)

    Is there any limitation with ListBox such as must be initially visible or cannot work within an iFrame? I know this doesnt make much sense but as you can see the code above is very simple and taking from example.


    Only 1 item shows in listbox #1983

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Mike,

    I am unable to reproduce this issue with the latest version with the information that you provided. I don’t see the html code and the javascript and css files in this code. Of course, there are no limitations in the items appearing in the ListBox. Actually the ListBox in our demos is also loaded in IFrame, but it works as well without IFrame, too. Could you send us the full source code for this test project here or send it to support@jqwidgets.com? You can also see this article: listbox-getting-started.htm. The article shows how to initialize a listbox with several items.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Only 1 item shows in listbox #2054


    Due to time resources, I decided to just use a standarD UL – LI list instead of JQXListbox. The code is part of a biger project so not easily broken up.
    If I have some time in near feature I will revist this as I do want to use the JQXListbox..


    Only 1 item shows in listbox #2061

    Peter Stoev

    Thanks for the feedback, Mike!

    I will really appreciate, when you have time, to send us a little sample(css, html + script) which reproduces the reported issue. There could be something which breaks the Listbox layout and we would like to debug it.

    Best Regards.
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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