jQuery UI Widgets Forums Chart multiple x axis and yaxis charts

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  • multiple x axis and yaxis charts #8822

    kamal sharma


    In all JQwidgets graphs there is only one x axis and multiple y axis but I want to draw a graph in which we can have multiple x Axis and multiple y axis, x axis and y axis both will be numeric . please help.

    This is the values that I want to draw on Chart.

    X axis Values

    MaxProduct 3 7 10 15
    Min Product 1 3 5 7
    Avg Product 2 4 6 9

    Y Axis Values

    Max Price 1000 200 3000 4000
    Min Price 500 50 2000 3000
    Avg Price 800 100 2500 2500
    multiple x axis and yaxis charts #8899


    Hello kamal sharma,

    Unfortunately, there can be only one datafield set in the categoryAxis property and thus only one X axis in jqxChart.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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