jQuery UI Widgets Forums Chart More jqxChart functions required

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • More jqxChart functions required #61270


    Hi all,

    I want to know will you give more customize options for jqxChart component?

    For example:

    Pie Chart, I want the group function for the pie, and can add more legend series on the pie chart.

    Bar Chart, I want customize the width of each bar, so it will seems to be not too fat.
    I also want make the label of each bar vertical or horizontal, and want put the bar label on the left or right or bottom or top of each bar.

    Best regards,

    More jqxChart functions required #61276


    Hello Wei,

    1) Please clarify what do you mean by “group function” and “legend series”?

    2) To customize the bar width, you would have to set the seriesGroups columnsGapPercent property.

    3) You can modify the label position and orientation through the series properties labelsHorizontalAlignment, labelsVerticalAlignment, labelsOffset and labelsAngle.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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