jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Keeping Selected Rows While Sorting When Grid is Pageable

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • SandBird


    I was hoping someone can help me out with an issue I have encountered when combining grid selection and sorting.

    If using the existing example here and selecting a row and then sorting, the selection stays on the same row index but not the actual selected row entry.

    However, when using this example, if selecting a row and then sorting it will keep the selection on the proper row entry.

    My grid has selectionmode: 'checkbox' (among other settings), is there a way to keep the proper row selection upon sorting when paging is active?

    I am not sure that the paging is the key but from deduction it seems that it si – if it’s something else I would be happy to know what it is.

    If needed, the datasource is taking the data using a PHP file via local test server. The grid has virtualmode and pageable set to true and the default rendergridrows function. Further more the datasource has sort: set to ....jqxGrid('updatebounddata', 'sort').

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you in advance!

    Peter Stoev

    Hi SandBird,

    When the Grid is in virtual mode, the selection, unselection etc. is not by data bound index, it is by visible index as data is loaded on demand in this mode i.e this means that a custom code will be necessary to save the selection and maintain it during server operations.


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