jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid jqxNotification is empty sometime!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kimmansu 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • jqxNotification is empty sometime!! #113012


    Hi. jqwidget team.

    See below fiddle url.

    Press each button continuously.
    Then two problems appear.
    1. Icons such as info, warning, etc. appear only for the first time and then disappear.
    2. Only empty areas appear when a new button is pressed for the first time or at an unspecified time.


    I wonder what is wrong with my code. And I want to know the solution.


    jqxNotification is empty sometime!! #113014


    Hi kimmansu,

    The solution is:

    <div id="jqxNoti"><div id="content">
    <button type="button" id="btnInfo">alert Info</button>
    <button type="button" id="btnWarning">alert Warning</button>
    <button type="button" id="btnSuccess">alert Success</button>
    <button type="button" id="btnError">alert Error</button>
    <button type="button" id="btnMail">alert Mail</button>
    <button type="button" id="btnTime">alert Time</button>


    function jqxNoti(temp, msg) {
      $("#jqxNoti #content").html(msg);
      $("#jqxNoti").jqxNotification({ theme:"energyblue", width: "auto", opacity:0.9, position:"top-right", autoOpen:false, autoClose:true, template:temp });
    $("#btnInfo").click(function(){ jqxNoti( "info", "Info Notification Test!!!" ); });
    $("#btnWarning").click(function(){ jqxNoti( "warning", "Warning Notification Test!!!" ); });
    $("#btnSuccess").click(function(){ jqxNoti( "success", "Success Notification Test!!!" ); });
    $("#btnError").click(function(){ jqxNoti( "error", "Error Notification Test!!!" ); });
    $("#btnMail").click(function(){ jqxNoti( "mail", "Mail Notification Test!!!" ); });
    $("#btnTime").click(function(){ jqxNoti( "time", "Time Notification Test!!!" ); });

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    jqxNotification is empty sometime!! #113025


    Thank you very much.
    I’ve been thinking about it for a few days and it’s been solved.
    I wish you all the best in the future.


    완전 고맙습니다.
    몇 일간 고민하던 것이 해결되었네요.
    앞으로도 많은 발전 기원합니다.

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