jQuery UI Widgets Forums Plugins AngularJS jqx-popover: open event not raised

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ivailo 9 years ago.

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  • jqx-popover: open event not raised #81347


    Dear all

    I am using jqx-popover with angularjs and I encounter problems using the open event: If I adapt your example that the settings object is initialized as following:

                $scope.settings = {
                    offset: {left: -50, top: 0},
                    arrowOffsetValue: 50,
                    title: "Employees",
                    showCloseButton: true,
                    selector: $("#button"),
                    open: function () {

    the open function is never called.
    What am I missing?

    Thanks for your help!

    jqx-popover: open event not raised #81354


    Hi jqxfriend,

    Thanks for the feedback. We will investigate this behavior.
    Like a workaround in this example eyou can bind to the click event of the button, cause it’s related to the popover’s open.

    Best Regards,
    Ivailo Ivanov

    jQWidgets Team

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