jQuery UI Widgets Forums Plugins AngularJS jqx-chart: no gradients displayed, just borders

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • badera

    Dear all

    We observe a strange behaviour with jqx-chart and gradients: The problem is that the charts in our web are displayed without gradients, just the border around the bars. If we just make a minimal sample with the controller/view, in which the charts are displayed, all works fine. So it is not the configuration of the charts, which is the problem.

    After reducing the whole project to just having one chart and no more css/js includes, it turned out that it has something todo with ‘#’ in the url – since we use angular-route together with <ng-view>, we have the urls in form ‘page.html#viewX’.

    I can reproduce the problem, if I run a local web server and run your chart demo from /demos/jqxangular/chart.htm:
    There is no angular-route included (all files are original, jqWidgets 3.7.0), but a # in the url produces the same problem. Please check the animation below:

    Does anybody know what we can do? Any help is highly appreciated!
    Best regards,
    – badera


    Hello badera,

    This issue has been fixed in the latest version of jQWidgets (3.7.1). From the Release History: Fixed an issue in jqxChart about handling of special characters in url.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team


    Thanks Dimitar.
    I see that there is a brand new update of the widgets… I was probably tracing down this problem and writing the forum topic, while you have released this update 🙂

    It would be great, if we could register for email notifications for jqWidget updates!

    Best regards,
    – badera

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Badera,

    You can subscribe http://www.jqwidgets.com/Follow/


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