jQuery UI Widgets Forums Angular Jqwidgets percentagewise width not working with Angular-5

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ivo Zhulev 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Bhavin

    I have worked with jqwidgets in jquery and width : ‘100%’ works fine in jqxGrid.
    But in jqwidgets with Angular-5 components they are showing errors,

    Unexpected end of expression: 100% at the end of the expression [100%] in ng:///DashboardModule/DashboardComponent.html@126:14 (” </jqxGrid> –>
    <jqxGrid #myGrid (onFilter)=”myGridOnFilter()”

    **My dashboard.component.html file,**

      <jqxGrid #myGrid (onFilter)="myGridOnFilter()"
                  [width]="100%" [source]="dataAdapter" [columns]="columns"
                  [sortable]="true" [filterable]="true"  [pageable]="true" 
                  [enabletooltips]="true" [columnsresize]="true" [columnsreorder]="true" 
                  [autoshowfiltericon]="true" [columnmenuopening]="columnmenuopening">

    Width with pixel works fine here. If I put [width]=”700″ it works fine but for % it’s not working. I have tried with [width]=’100%’ and even with [width]=100%.

    here is the property file of Angular components of Jqwidgets.
    Link :- https://www.jqwidgets.com/angular-components-documentation/documentation/jqxgrid/angular-grid-api.htm?search=width


    It was my bad it’s working.

    Tried with

     <jqxGrid #myGrid 
                  [width]="'100%'" [source]="dataAdapter" [columns]="columns"
                  [sortable]="true" [filterable]="true"  [pageable]="true" 
                  [enabletooltips]="true" [columnsautoresize]="true" [columnsresize]="true" [columnsreorder]="true" [autoshowfiltericon]="true"
                  [autoshowfiltericon]="true" [columnmenuopening]="columnmenuopening">

    [width]=”‘100%'” works fine.

    Ivo Zhulev

    Hi Bhavin,

    Yes, the string values must be put in double quotes in the template: "'someString'".

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

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