jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid is this forum active?

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Literate 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • is this forum active? #89800


    Hello, I tried to complete the tutorial:


    following the instructions, the xhtml does not populate

    anyone have any success with the same tutorial?

    is this forum active? #89802


    The linked instructions DO NOT WORK…
    I am going to go through it STEP-BY-STEP and share what does not work…


    This initial tutorial begins with stating:

    1. Set Up a Database

    Our goal is to populate a jqxGrid from a MySQL database. In the example presented here, we will be using the Northwind database. To learn how to set it up, please follow Step 1 from the help topic Configure MySQL, Eclipse and Tomcat for Use with jQWidgets.

    which will not CONNECT to the current tutorial at



    1. The file directory structure is NOT created the same.
    To explore in detail, step-by-step:

    is this forum active? #89806


    beginning with:


    1. Set Up a Database – DONE

    completed using MySQL WorkBench following this additional tutorial:

    tested using SHOW DATABASES;
    to confirm

    is this forum active? #89807


    2. Create a New Project in Eclipse

    Dynamic Web Project. In the window that appears, type the project’s name (we will name it “jQWidgetsJSP”) and click Finish.

    The second part is a JSF web application: Bind jqxGrid to MySQL Database Using JSF (JavaServer Faces)

    2. Create a New Project in Eclipse – DONE

    In this tutorial, we will be using Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, version Luna. You can get it from here: https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-ee-developers/lunasr2. Run Eclipse and go to File → New → Dynamic Web Project. In the window that appears, type the project’s name (we will name it “jQWidgetsJSP”) and click Finish.

    is this forum active? #89810


    3. Add Necessary Classes to the Java Build Path



    Then followed: Here is how to add these to the Eclipse project:

    (even though I normally put these in the lib folder under WEB-INF, shall follow this tutorial as given)

    1. The above jar files are NOT already present in JRE System Library.

    Next is the first DISCREPANCY —

    The added JARs should appear in Java Resources\Libraries and be ready for use:
    NOPE, they do not appear there…

    1. Select jQWidgets JSP in Project Explorer
    2. Right-click on the project and click Properties
    3. Select Java Build Path on the left and then the Libraries tab
    4. Click Add External JARs… and browse for the aforementioned files.
    5. The added JARs should appear in Java Resources\Libraries and be ready for use

    NOPE, they appear in a new folder called Referenced Libraries (this may impact the run as it may or may not know where to find the jars)

    Shall find out as we continue the tutorial

    is this forum active? #89811


    4. Add the Necessary jQWidgets Scripts and Stylesheets to the Project

    Create two folders in the project folder WebContent – js and css.

    Include in them all (or only the necessary) jQWidgets files – the scripts (including jqxcore.js and the specific widget files) in js and the stylesheets (jqx.base.css and any themes and associated images) in css. Remember to include a version of jQuery in js, too.

    downloaded jqwidgets-ver4.4.0
    in folder jqwidgets selected ALL ninety (90) FILES with js extension
    copied and pasted into WebContent/js folder

    and the stylesheets (jqx.base.css and any themes and associated images) in css
    THIS part is not clear – I copied the jqwidgets/styles/jqx.base.css
    and pasted it into WebContent/css folder

    Remember to include a version of jQuery in js, too.
    downloaded current version jquery-3.1.1.min.js
    copied and pasted into WebContent/js folder



    is this forum active? #89812


    5. Configure the Apache Tomcat Server

    my Tomcat and AWS Elastic Beanstalk is already set up

    BUT, SHALL FOLLOW tutorial — deleting existing tomcat installation and redoing according to the tutorial

    downloaded current version 8.5 tomcat

    In Eclipse, go to Window → Preferences. Choose Server → Runtime Environments on the left
    Click Add. In the window that appears, choose Apache Tomcat v8.0 and check Create a new local server
    Click Next, browse for the Tomcat installation directory, then click Finish and OK in the previous window

    Right-click the project and choose Properties. In the Properties window, select Project Facets on the left and then the tab Runtimes on the right. Check Apache Tomcat v8.0. Finally, click Apply and OK.

    note, JavaServer Faces IS NOT SELECTED as a Project Facet


    is this forum active? #89814


    6. Start the Server and Configure Its Classpath

    In the bottom panel of Eclipse, select the Servers tab.
    Right-click on Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost and click Start


    Go to Run → Run Configurations…
    In the pop-up window, select Apache Tomcat → Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost on the left and then the Classpath tab. Add the external JARs mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar and gson-2.3.1.jar:

    note — there is NO POP UP WINDOW

    I right clicked on the Project and selected Run As / Run Configurations…
    and completed the above SAME instructions

    select Apache Tomcat → Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost on the left and then the Classpath tab. Add the external JARs mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar and gson-2.3.1.jar:

    Apply the settings and click Close.
    Your project is now set up and you can proceed with any of the following tutorials showcasing jQWidgets components loaded through JSP:


    NOTE: THIS IS THE jQWidgetsJSP Project that has been created.

    Moving on to

    Bind jqxGrid to MySQL Database Using JSF (JavaServer Faces)

    which is NOT a JSP project, but a JSF project

    is this forum active? #89815


    Ran a validate on jQWidgetsJSP

    got 3 warnings:

    Runtime ClassNotFoundException may result

    on all three jars:


    am going to try to copy and paste the same three files into the WEB-INF/lib folder
    to see if the same validation errors occur

    same three validation errors

    shall change class path to match those within the lib as INTERNAL jars not EXTERNAL

    EXCELLENT, no more validation errors…

    ok, now on to the next tutorial to get the web app up and running


    is this forum active? #89816


    NOTE, THIS specific tutorial is difficult to find:
    Bind jqxGrid to MySQL Database Using JSF (JavaServer Faces)

    I found it by google and NOT by any link on the http://www.jqwidgets.com website

    1. Set Up a Database

    Our goal is to populate a jqxGrid from a MySQL database. In the example presented here, we will be using the Northwind database. To learn how to set it up, please follow Step 1 from the help topic Configure MySQL, Eclipse and Tomcat for Use with jQWidgets.

    DONE ALREADY and confirmed using

    tested using SHOW DATABASES;
    to confirm

    is this forum active? #89817


    Go to File → New → Maven Project.

    DO NOT CREATE NEW PROJECT… as we are using our current JSP project that must made into a JSF project (not included in the tutorial)

    jumping to step 4
    4. Create the Managed Bean
    Package name: com.jqwidgets
    Java Class name: EmployeeController

    copied the exact code in the tutorial and pasted into EmployeeController.java

    Create a new class, EmployeeController in the package com.jqwidgets with the following content:


    NOTE: 4 errors I think may be due to FACES not included
    including JavaServer Faces in Project Facets now

    EXCELLENT… all 4 errors went away!


    5. Add the Necessary jQWidgets Scripts and Stylesheets to the Project

    Create a resources folder in src\main\webapp and in it add two more folders – js and css. Include in them all (or only the necessary) jQWidgets files – the scripts (including jqxcore.js and the specific widget files) in js and the stylesheets (jqx.base.css and any themes and associated images) in css. Remember to include a version of jQuery in js, too.


    is this forum active? #89818


    6. Create the View
    NOTE, the “controller” does not have the usual Model and uses a managed bean for both the data connection and the model without any getters or setters?

    The View is where the jqxGrid with the employee data will be displayed. Create a new XHTML Page in src\main\webapp\WEB-INF and name it grid.xhtml. This page will serve as the View. Here is its content:

    copied the exact code as is in the tutorial

    shall attempt to run grid.xhtml

    is this forum active? #89819


    did not work
    first error is something that has to do with Access denied for user ‘root’@localhost’ (using password: YES)

    HAS ANYONE GOTTEN the tutorial to work?


    I am going to try this tutorial OVER HERE to see if I can resolve a JSON STRING data binding to jqxGrid, jqxCalendar, jqxSchedule.

    If anyone is interested in how I may or may not have succeeded, that is if you also have interest in data binding, please place a note here.

    Off to find a solution that will work, as the posted tutorial does not seem to work.


    is this forum active? #89822


    Hello Literate,

    The steps from the tutorial Bind jqxGrid to MySQL Database Using JSF (JavaServer Faces) result in the jqxGrid shown in the screenshot at the bottom of the page. Please note that you need to follow only Step 1 of the Configure MySQL, Eclipse and Tomcat for Use with jQWidgets tutorial (as specified). Please also note that the tutorial has been written a while ago and the screenshots and steps pertain to the specified versions of all technologies (i.e. IDE, server, .jar files, etc.) This does not mean the grid cannot be configured with the latest versions of aforementioned technologies, only that there may be some discrepancies (for example in the UI of the latest version of Eclipse).

    Please also note that this is a community forum. Timed responses to your queries can be expected if you contact us by email.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    is this forum active? #90332


    Yes, you are the best Dimitar. Please say Hi to Peter.

    Shall continue the detailed review using email, THANK YOU!

    Am very excited that your wonderful components shall work.


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