Hello community,
I am trying to create two grids, and I am trying that when I select one row from one grid, the background color of this row will set at green and the equivalent in the other grid will set at red.
In this example: https://jsfiddle.net/t4Lozpmh/ I can create the two grids, and if I select one row from first grid, the effect is doing well in both grids.
But if I select one row from the first grid and later I select one row from the second grid, this second select haven’t got effect.
If i reload again the example, I can select one row from the second grid, and the effect is doing well, but doesn’t works if later I select one row from the first grid.
Is there a way I can do what I want? How I must to do that?
As allways, thank you very much for your help.
Best Regards,