I want load all data when you access. This way isnĀ“t the best option but all was done.
I load rows in a data table and i need initialize the information in next step of to add a row.
I tried manually but fail. I don’t know the element parameter.
Execute “showDetails” not initialize the row.
jq("#reaseguradores").jqxDataTable("addRow", numReaseguradores, {
id: parseInt(map[obj][rea].id),
idReasegurador: parseInt(map[obj][rea].idReasegurador),
descripcion: map[obj][rea].descripcion});
jq("#reaseguradores").jqxDataTable("showDetails", numReaseguradores);
initReasegurador(jq("#reaseguradores"), numReaseguradores);
function initRow(reaseguradores, rowId) {
if(logFlag==true) console.log("initReasegurador "+ reaseguradores +","+ rowId);
var row = reaseguradores.jqxDataTable("getRows")[rowId];
var element = jq( "div[data-role='details']" ).eq(rowId);
Version of jQWidgets is 3.7.1