I am working on Keyboard Navigation.My JSON value is from Controller is like floatvalue with stringdata (i.e){123.12_commentdata,12.90_abc,34.0_xyz,12.56_}.In beforeLoadComplete function i want to separate integer value and string value.If the separated data contain string value not equal to null then i change the color the of the that cell.Please give me the solution for this.
beforeLoadComplete: function (records) {
var length = records.length;
// loop through the records and display them in a Grid.
for (var i = 0; i <length ; i++) {
for(var j=0;j<colsofiaDataFieldArray.length;j++){
var temp =records[i][colsofiaDataFieldArray[j].trim()];
var pos1=temp.indexOf(“-“);
var subs=temp.substring(0,pos1).trim();
f (temp.substring(pos2+1)!=””&& temp.substring(pos2+1)!=0) {
//here i need to change the color of the cell
retrun records;