jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Grid Header name

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Grid Header name #15109

    Good day!

    Have a grid working which retrieve’s data from mysql database using json
    I have a field called subject from my database

    subject <– field name and the data are

    How can I make the grid header be the name of the subject data and do you have an example?

    Thank you very much.

    Grid Header name #15118


    Hello Jack The Dreamer,

    The forum topic Need to create grid columns dynamically from JSON may be of help to you.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    Grid Header name #15149

    Thanks Dimitar for a quick responce
    Check the forum that you gave but I don’t understand it

    This is a working code that I have right now

    $(document).ready(function () {
    // prepare the data
    var data = {};
    var source =
    datatype: “json”,
    datafields: [
    { name: ‘sched_Id’, type: ‘int’},
    { name: ‘Idno’, type: ‘int’},
    { name: ‘subject’, type: ‘text’},
    { name: ‘first_grading’, type: ‘float’},
    { name: ‘second_grading’, type: ‘float’},
    { name: ‘third_grading’, type: ‘float’},
    { name: ‘fourth_grading’, type: ‘float’},
    { name: ‘average’, type: ‘float’}

    id: ‘sched_Id’,
    url: ‘Student_Grades.php’,

    // initialize jqxGrid
    width: 700,
    height: 350,
    selectionmode: ‘singlecell’,
    source: source,
    theme: ‘fresh’,
    columns: [
    { datafield: “subject”, text: “subject”, width: 205 },
    { datafield: “first_grading”, text: “1st Grading”, width: 90, cellsformat: ‘F2’, cellsalign: ‘center’ },
    { datafield: “second_grading”, text: “2nd Grading”, width: 90, cellsformat: ‘F2’, cellsalign: ‘center’ },
    { datafield: “third_grading”, text: “3rd Grading”, width: 90, cellsformat: ‘F2’, cellsalign: ‘center’ },
    { datafield: “fourth_grading”, text: “4th Grading”, width: 90, cellsformat: ‘F2’, cellsalign: ‘center’ },
    { datafield: “average”, text: “Average”, width: 90, cellsformat: ‘F2’, cellsalign: ‘center’ }


    Subject | 1st Grading | 2nd Grading | 3rd Grading | 4th Grading | Average
    English | 80.00 | 85.00 | 80.00 | 90:00 |
    Math | 80.00 | 85.00 | 80.00 | 90:00 |
    Science | 80.00 | 85.00 | 80.00 | 90:00 |

    This is what I want to do, all the data in subjects will be the header name and grades of students in each subject.
    How can I do this? Any suggestion?

    Name | English | Math | Science
    Student A | 80.00 | 85.00 | 80.00
    Student B | 80.00 | 85.00 | 80.00
    Student C | 80.00 | 85.00 | 80.00

    Thanks again!

    Grid Header name #15212

    Tried to study your code example ‘ Need to create grid columns dynamically from JSON’ can you please explain

    var json = ‘[{ “columns”: [{ “text”: “Name”, “datafield”: “name”, “width”: “250” }, { “text”: “Beverage Type”, “datafield”: “type”, “width”: “250” }, { “text”: “Calories”, “datafield”: “calories”, “width”: “180” }, { “text”: “Total Fat”, “datafield”: “totalfat”, “width”: “120” }, { “text”: “Protein”, “datafield”: “protein” }] }, {“rows” : [{“id”: “1”, “name”: “Hot Chocolate”, “type”: “Chocolate Beverage”, “calories”: “370”, “totalfat”: “16g”, “protein”: “14g”}, {“id”: 2, “name”: “Peppermint Hot Chocolate”, “type”: “Chocolate Beverage”, “calories”: “440”, “totalfat”: “16g”, “protein”: “13g”}, {“id”: “3”, “name”: “Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate”, “type”: “Chocolate Beverage”,”calories”: “450”, “totalfat”: “16g”, “protein”: “13g”}]}]’;

    How did you retrieve this file before you assigned to –> var json?

    Thanks again

    Grid Header name #15235


    Hi Jack The Dreamer,

    The JSON data may be contained in an external file and not in a variable. To see how to bind a grid to JSON data, please check out the Grid Data Sources documentation entry.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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