jQuery UI Widgets Forums Scheduler Get date/time from Context Menu Open

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  svetoslav_borislavov 1 year, 11 months ago.

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  • Get date/time from Context Menu Open #89159


    Is there a way to get the Date/Time of the cell where the context menu is opened? Currently I am only able to use ‘getSelection’ after the context menu is opened to get the date/time of the currently selected cell however, right clicking on the scheduler doesn’t always trigger a cell selection. So, often the date/time returned from ‘getSelection’ is the date/time of the last cell that was selected and not the current cell where the context menu is being opened. This behavior is also present in the context menu demo of the scheduler.

    Get date/time from Context Menu Open #89213


    Hello aoverton07,

    Unfortunately, it is not possible on that way.
    You could get the date on cellClick or on editDialogOpen.
    Also, in the ‘dialog’ window will receive data for the current cell.

    If you give more information what you want to achieve, I could give you a better solution (workaround).

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

    Get date/time from Context Menu Open #122500


    Hi, we are trying to create copy and paste for events with context menu.
    Is there any way for getting the date/hour when the right mouse button is pressed?
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

    Get date/time from Context Menu Open #122510


    If you are trying to make a copy and paste then you are opening the context menu and it automatically selects the event.
    In the contextMenuItemClick you get menu, appointment, event. In the event is stored all the info about the appointment, so yes you can get from and to properties and every other which you need from the appointment.

    Have a look here: https://codesandbox.io/s/wispy-resonance-4iwn4m?file=/src/App.vue

    Best regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    jQWidgets Team

    Get date/time from Context Menu Open #123691


    Sorry for the delay in the answer. I copy the appointment without problem. The problem is that when I press the right click mouse over the cell it’s not possible to get the date time.

    1. Copy the event from context menu (perfect – no problem here)

    Show image

    2. Rigth click mouse (paste event). In this case, context menu is ok, but I can’t get the date/time of destination cell

    Show image

    I have another question.
    is there any way to hide this rows in day view mode? I think they take up too much space and do not provide additional information.

    Show image

    NOTE: all information and names are invented in the images are invented

    Thank you so much for your help

    Get date/time from Context Menu Open #123698


    Could you, please use the getSelection method to get the from, to and resourceId?
    We are very sorry, but removing that row is not supported.

    If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us!

    Best regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    jQWidgets Team

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