jQuery UI Widgets › Forums › Grid › editing particular column in grid
This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by KumoJosh 10 years, 11 months ago.
I have 10 records in grid.
customer and title are two columns.I need to edit the customer column in first row.(not for remaining rows.)
i am following
$(“#IngestGrid”).jqxGrid(‘setcolumnproperty’, ‘Customer’, ‘editable’, true);but i unable to edit.
what’s wrong in my codeAnd how to change the back ground color of a cell in a row dynamically.
raniSorry, original requirement…
I want to make a column editable true or false dynamically(programatical…).
I got a reference as
$(“#IngestGrid”).jqxGrid(‘setcolumnproperty’, ‘Customer’, ‘editable’, false);
But it making all the rows as editable false.
I need to make only one cell of the row to true/false.And how to change the back ground color of a cell in a row dynamically(programatical…).
Rani.Hi Rani,
We have demo about that. Please, look at: http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-demo/demos/jqxgrid/disableeditingofrows.htm?arctic
Best Regards,
Peter StoevjQWidgets Team
Thanks for your reply…But, what about this?
Change the back ground color of a cell in a row dynamically(programatical…).
I am doing the following.
I’ve a columns like Title, Episode Title and Season Number.
If the selected Title is type of ‘Feature’, then I need to make the ‘EpisodeTitle’ and ‘SeasonNumber’ cells as
1. non-editable and
2. greyed background color.With the below URL I can able to solve the #1.
For #2, I am trying like the below…
var rowindex=0; //rowindex=editingrow.uid. $("#row"+rowindex+"IngestGrid div:nth-child(9)").css("background-color", "grey");
Its working fine, but when I added a new row with the blow code
$("#IngestGrid").jqxGrid('addrow', rowindex, rowdata);
I am losing the grey color.
I tried all the possible ways…
And also when we navigated to next page in grid, row0 is greyed.(i.e. we greyed first row in the first page)
Can you please help me regarding this?Hi,
Is there any update on this? We have a requirement for this functionality.Thanks,
Josh -
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