hello, have a good day.
I try to make my calendar Turkish and i am succesful to do that. But i have a small problem in abbreveation.
It looks like;
Pa(Sunday), Sa(Tuesday), Ça(Wednesday), Pe(Thursday), Cu(Friday) Cu(Satuday), Pa(Munday)
in os calendar abbreveation ie like that
“Pt, Sa, Ça, Pe, Cu, Ct, Pz”
Actually i understood the logic of jqx calendar. It juse get first two letter of this line
“days: {
names: [“Pazar”, “Pazartesi”, “Salı”, “Çarşamba”, “Perşembe”, “Cuma”, “Cumartesi”],”
But i need to change some day abbrevation as meantioned above. I am carious is that possible to do?