jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Data for Invisible Columns When Using Horizontal Bar Is Not Displayed

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  hus 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • hus

    I am working on jqxgrid (Dynamic Column). Here is part of my code:

         width: 566,
         source: dataAdapter,
         autoheight: true,
         columnsresize: true,
         sortable: false,
         columns: columns

    They sit in the success handler of the Ajax request. My code will make ajax request every 3 seconds, take the data in json format, and build the jqxgrid. That means it will keep re-generating the grid. However I am having strange situation. In first iteration, the data is displayed as expected. But for the next iteration, the data will be shown on the visible columns only. I have lots of columns, so the horizontal bar is there. The current visible column will show the data but not the invisible one. However if I scroll to the right, on the next iteration the data is displayed and the other invisible column will not have the data. I confirmed that I received all the data. And another interesting part is only the column which has the number is having the problem. The column which has characters is good. I try to change the datafield to string, int, also number but seems no luck as yet. I took days just to figure out this strange behavior. Hopefully somebody could help me. Thank you.


    Solved by commenting the property width. Hope this helps somebody.


    Hello hus,

    The width property should not cause any issues. Maybe there is something else in your code that is erroneous. If you wish, post a code snippet that is relevant to the issue and we might be able to help you solve it.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team


    Hi Dimitar,

    You are true. Even I don’t believe width causes the problem. I am using this setting

    	width: 566,
    	height: 250,
    	source: dataAdapter,
    	//autoheight: true,
    	columnsresize: true,
    	sortable: false,
    	columns: columns

    I am beginning to believe that the autoheight causes the problem for me. Now everything works just fine. I can now see the data in invisible columns that I need to drag the scroll bar to see it. Any explanation on this? The problem when I used autoheight is not only the problem I mentioned earlier, plus when I try to re-size the column, it only re-sized the column virtually. But in fact the real divider (line of column) is still there.

    Additional question: I put this code in AJAX request under success call back, so that means the grid is re-generated (whole the data and the grid). Is this right way to implement it? Or there is another way? Thank you in advance.


    Hi Dimitar,

    My thought is wrong. autoheight is not causing the problem. I still could not able to find the reason of the problem. But I found your solution in another forum and combine it with my code like down here

    var parent = $("#jqxgrid").parent();
    $("<div id='jqxgrid'></div>").appendTo(parent);
            width: 566,
            height: 220,
            source: dataAdapter,
    	//autoheight: true,
    	columnsresize: true,
    	sortable: false,
    	columns: columns
    	//shrinkToFit : false

    and so far it works good.

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