I’m really happy with the grid so far. I do have some questions on it though.
width: '100%',
//height: '100%',
source: myDataAdapter1,
//theme: theme,
autoheight: true,
pageable: true,
sortable: true,
altrows: true,
filterable: true,
columnsresize: true,
//virtualmode: true,
rendergridrows: function()
return myDataAdapter1
columns: myColumns1
1) I notice that when I resize a column it changes the widths of the other columns to maintain the total grid size. Is there a way to force it to leave the other columns as they are and just add a scroll bar to the grid if the column needs to increase the total grid size? I thought I had that working at one point but maybe one of my setting s disabled it.
2) Does the grid support any postback on column resizing? I assume there’s a function like onresize that can send the new dimensions to my methods to store for future use if I need to.