jQuery UI Widgets Forums TreeGrid CheckBoxes and ExpandAll Problem

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  • CheckBoxes and ExpandAll Problem #78095

    Klaus H


    I have stumbled upon a strange behaviour. I updated the jqxwidget version in an application from version 3.6 to the current version. I use a jqxTreeGrid in said application that uses checkboxes for selection and after loading the data, I had to expand all the rows. In the 3.6 version I used a function found in the forum (traverseTreeGrid) to do so, in the new version you have provided an expandAll function.

    Changing from traverseTreeGrid to expandAll now causes a strange behaviour I did not expect – all checkboxes from second level on have tha black square in them like in a three state selection. In the treegrid there is no hierarchical selection enabled and by clicking in the checkboxes, I only can check and uncheck after that.

    You can check this behaviour in your provided fiddle example with checkboxes:
    and change the ready function of the treegrid to: $(“#treeGrid”).jqxTreeGrid(‘expandAll’);

    Best Regards

    CheckBoxes and ExpandAll Problem #78147

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Klaus,

    There actually IS hierarchical checkbox selection in the TreeGrid. See: http://jsfiddle.net/jqwidgets/mbLb4n7o/. Anyway, the observed behavior should be improved in future releases. For now, you can check/uncheck via checkRow and uncheckRow method calls in that specific situation or continue using the traverse function.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    CheckBoxes and ExpandAll Problem #78184

    Klaus H

    Hello Peter,

    thank you for the feedback. 🙂

    Best Regards

    CheckBoxes and ExpandAll Problem #89698


    Any feedback on this issue yet?

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