jQuery UI Widgets Forums Chart Chart not loading

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ridbark 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Chart not loading #54678



    I try to load a chart of type “line” with a lot of data and series (i have about 2 data per series, and about 80 series).
    I pass the data source by a simple array, because i have to format the data when i receive them.
    My problem is that when i try to create a chart with many series, the chart does not load … and i don’t know what i am doing wrong …

    This is my code to create the jqxChart :

                seriesGroups = [];
                for (var m in group_list){ // group_list is a variable which contains the name of each series
                	 var serie;
                    if (group_list[m].group === self.group_field) { continue; }
                    if(self.group_field || seriesGroups.length == 0) {
                    	serie = {
                    			type: self.chart,
        						showLabels: true,
        						click: clickEvent,
        						toolTipFormatFunction: tooltipCustom,
        						valueAxis: {
        							minValue: self.min_value,
                        		series: []};
                    seriesGroups[seriesGroups.length - 1]['series'].push({dataField : group_list[m].group, displayText: group_list[m].text, symbolType: 'square'});
                    title: "",
                    description: "",
                    padding: { left: 20, top: 15, right: 75, bottom: 5 },
                    showBorderLine: false,
                    enableAnimations: true,
                	source: results, // this variable contains the data source (an array)
                	showToolTips: true,
                	toolTipShowDelay: 500,
                	toolTipHideDelay: 10000,
                    showLegend: true,
                	categoryAxis: {
                        valuesOnTicks: (self.chart.indexOf('spline') >= 0),
                        dataField: self.abscissa,
                	    description: self.fields[self.abscissa].string,
                	    showGridLines: false,
                        textRotationAngle: 50,
                        textRotationPoint: 'left',
                        verticalTextAlignment: 'left',
                    colorScheme: COLOR_SCHEME,
                	seriesGroups: seriesGroups,

    I check, the results contains always the good name for each column i put in seriesGroup!

    Can you help me on my problem?

    Best Regards,

    Chart not loading #54682


    Hi Ridbark,

    Please, provide a full example using http://jsfiddle.net/ which reproduces the reported behavior.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

    Chart not loading #54691


    Hello Ivan,

    Thanks to the JSFiddle that i make, i understand the difference between many seriesGroups and many series! And i need many series, not many seriesGroups.

    But like you can see in this example, i want line series, but there are only points! And i need to have the line between each 2 points (if there are 2 points of course, because for the “name15_lastname15”, there are only one point). Why did it not have lines display? (same problem with the “area” type …).

    BEst Regards,

    Chart not loading #54692


    I also need to know why the “click” event works on type bar graph, but not when i click on a point of a type line graph or area?

    Best Regards,

    Chart not loading #54792



    I imagine that you do not have any idea to fix this bug?

    I have an other problem … when i have 2 series groups of almost 100 series in each of them, the chart bug and nothing is display!
    But, when i remove the legend => the data are displayed … so, is there a way to display chart in first and then try to display the legend (if there are no legend because of to much data, it’s not a big problem!) ? When i display the chart in first with option “legend : false” and then i want to display the legend (by calling to the method “jqxChart({showLegend : true})”) but the chart is entirely reloaded and … nothing is displayed after that!
    Can you tell me if i can have all source with the colors and display the legend myself, in an other part of my page?

    Best regards,

    Chart not loading #54793


    Hi Ridbark,

    We are well aware of that “click” is not supported on line series. Support of that is planned for the next major release. Yes, when you dynamically change some properties, the Chart will be refreshed and I am sorry that it does not meet your requirement to display 200+ lines on the same chart.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

    Chart not loading #54794


    Hi Ivan,

    Thank you for you quick answer!
    Okay for the click on line series!
    The chart display the 200+ lines on the same chart, but without the legend. So, is there a way to got this legend (i already have the sources, of course, but colors of each lines … no :-/)? If it’s possible, i will not have to choose colors by myself! If it’s not possible … well, i will choose colors by myself for each series and i will display legend in an other part of my page!

    Best regards,

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