jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Change columngroup`s columns

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  • Change columngroup`s columns #102142


    I have default settings of grid after loading of page.
    I have default calendar range 2 week,for example: from 24.09.2018 to 08.10.2018

                $scope.settings.columns = [
                    { text: "Direction", datafield: "_direction", width: 100, filtertype: 'checkedlist', resizable: false, cellsrenderer: asColumnRender, editable: false, type: "string", pinned: true, rendered: tooltiprenderer },
                    { text: "Reg.number", datafield: "_RegistrationNumbers", width: 100, resizable: false, cellsrenderer: asColumnRender, editable: false, type: "string", pinned: true, rendered: tooltiprenderer }, 
                    { text: "Comment", datafield: "EngineerComment", cellsrenderer: asColumnRender, cellbeginedit: rowEditEngineerComment, width: 100, type: "string", rendered: tooltiprenderer }
                var firstDate = $scope.calendarStart;
                var secondDate = $scope.calendarEnd;
                var diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((firstDate.getTime() - secondDate.getTime()) / (oneDay)));
                $scope.datafields = [];
                for (var k = 0; k <= diffDays; k++) {
                    var date = new Date();
                    date = firstDate.addDays(k);
                    var day = date.getDate();
                    var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
                    var datafield = '_Date_' + month + '_' + day;
                    $scope.settings.columns.push({ text: day + '-' + getDayOfWeek(date.getDay()), datafield: datafield, columnsreorder: false, width: 50, editable: false, draggable: false, type: "string", columngroup: 'Calendar', cellsrenderer: calendarRender, resizable: false });
                $scope.settings.columngroups = [
                    { text: 'Calendar', align: 'center', name: 'Calendar' }

    I want after clicking some button,that calendar range will change.
    For example: been from 24.09.2018 to 08.10.2018
    become 10.09.2018 to 24.09.2018
    How to change column`s,which find in columngroup?
    pls,help me…

    Change columngroup`s columns #102177


    Hello Zabelsky,

    Could you clarify it? What you mean with that “change column`s,which find in columngroup”?
    Do you want to change the status of one column to exits from current grouping?
    If this is what you want to achieve, please, take a look at these approaches.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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