jQuery UI Widgets Forums Lists DropDownList allowClear equivalent

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • allowClear equivalent #89830



    I’m trying to use the jqxDropDownList component but I can’t find and option to allow the user to “clear” his selection (like a allowClear in select2). I found tons of topic about how to clear it by JS but non on how to allow the user to clear it himself.

    Is there any such option ?

    Best Regards

    allowClear equivalent #89839


    Hi ratchetclank,

    You can use jqxDropDownList’s clearSelection method.
    Please, refer to the following example : http://jsfiddle.net/jqwidgets/5FRxK/

    Best Regards,
    Ivailo Ivanov

    jQWidgets Team

    allowClear equivalent #89841


    Thanks, but that’s not a response to my question.
    As stated, I know this method exist, but i would like to know if there is an option on the plugin itselt to allow the user to clear his selection. My usecase is in a treegrid, using the dropdown as an editior (as per your exemples). In this case, I can’t reasonably put a button which would make the edition more heavy than it’s already is

    So, is there an option of this componenet to activate an integrated clear selection button (like in almoste any other select/dropdown pluggin) ?

    allowClear equivalent #89873

    Peter Stoev
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