jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid All Features Combile

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • All Features Combile #14174


    I want to use grid that will combine features like double click editing, popup editing for some rows on which double click will not work, validation and cell selection and disable editing. I want to you cell values for some engineering calculations work. Please do provide me some help.


    All Features Combile #14187


    Hello abhinav,

    Please check out the jqxGrid demo section for examples on all the features you wish to implement in your project. For a complete list of jqxGrid’s properties, events and methods please refer to the API entry in jqxGrid’s documentation. We hope these resources are helpful to you.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    All Features Combile #14231


    Hi, Thank you for your reply. I did check the forums and all, I want something which will perform exactly like excel, like calculation and all maybe using code behind. any charges for the same is not an issue.

    All Features Combile #14301


    Hi abhinav,

    jqxGrid supports a similiar functionality to Microsoft Excel’s – Spreadsheet. However, the widget has no calculation capabilities like that of Excel.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    All Features Combile #14305


    Hi Dimitar,

    Wel, that’s ok I will do it manually. The only thing remaining in my application is to write data back to the server. That mean server side editing using asp.net. I do found some documentation for the same but they are all using mvc 3 and 4. I do not want to use MVC3 architecture. I want is to do simply by using asp.net or HTML.

    I’ve done application using asp.net and did wrote to technical support too, but I want to do server side editing using asp.net. So can you provide me with same sample example.

    simply, http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-documentation/documentation/asp.net-integration/asp.net-binding-to-sql-database.htm

    what is done here I want to do the same just add postback facility so the data will be saved back to the server.

    Thank you

    All Features Combile #14320


    Hi Abhinav,

    The Create, Remove, Update jqxGrid demo might be helpful to you. As you can see from that example, you may use the source callback functions addrow, deleterow, updaterow can be used for server synchronization using $.ajax(). These functions are called when the jqxGrid methods addrow, updaterow and deleterow are called.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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