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Dynamically Enable/Disable a Button inside a Dialog
Assume that you want to allow your users to create a new account, if they enter information into all fields. In this blog post, we will use the jqxButton and jqxWindow widgets. In order to use the Button and Window, … Continue reading →
Posted in: JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxButton, jqxWindow
Tagged: button, button component, button control, dialog, dialog control, html5 button, html5 dialog, html5 dialog plugin, html5 window, javascript button, javascript dialog, javascript dialog form, javascript popup window, javascript window, jquery button, jquery buttons, jquery cancel button, jquery dialog plugin, jQuery Dialog Window, jquery form, jquery login dialog, jquery login form, jQuery UI, jquery ui button, jQuery Window, jquery window plugin, jQWidgets, jqxbutton, jqxWindow, user interface, window, window component, window control
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jQuery Login Dialog
Today, we will show you how to create a Login window in a few steps using the jqxWindow plugin. 1. Create a new html page and reference the jQWidgets scripts and styles. <link rel="stylesheet" href="jqwidgets/styles/jqx.base.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="jqwidgets/styles/jqx.shinyblack.css" … Continue reading →
Posted in: JavaScript, JavaScript Plugins, JavaScript Widgets, jQuery, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, jQuery UI Plugins, jQuery UI Widgets, jQuery Widgets, jQWidgets, jqxButton, jqxWindow
Tagged: dialog, dialog window, html5 dialog, html5 window, javascript dialog, javascript login dialog, jquery dialog, jquery login dialog, jQuery UI, jqxWindow, login dialog. login form, login window, window
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