React line chart features

In this blog we will show you the main features of our line charting component for React.

The line chart is one of the most popular types of chart. It is used to display the data points in a series and connect them with straight lines. Very often the data points represent the development of a certain variable in time and the time intervals are showed on the X axis.

Apart from the standard line chart our charting component for React supports stacked line charts. The stacked line chart is similar to the line chart however you can have more than one line in the same chart. 100% stacked charts are also supported. In this type of chart the values on the Y axis are given as percentages. It is very convenient when you want to see the difference between the values of 2 series.

jQWidgets chart for ReactJS supports also line charts with markers. The markers show the values of the Y axis on top of the line for easier visualization. The shape and thee color of the markers can be customized.

React Line Chart

One of the advanced features is that you can have line charts with conditional colors. In this case you can have different colors for the lines connecting certain points based on a given condition. Sequential points having the same color are grouped automatically in a line segment.

Another advanced feature is that you can have lines from multiple data sources in one line chart. In this case the lines are represented with stacked lines.

Step lines are another advanced feature which enables you to draw the connections between the points with horizontal or vertical lines. In this way the line looks step like.

Spline is another feature that you can benefit from. Spline charts are similar to the step line charts with the exception that they draw the connection between the points in a curved line.

And last but not least our charting component for React is highly customizable. You can change the colors and the thickness of the line. You can add cross hairs which show the values of the X and Y axis above and you can have a moving dot when you follow the line.

React Charts React Line Charts

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