jQWidgets 3.2.0

We are happy to announce the availability of jQWidgets ver. 3.2.0.

What’s New:

– Added help topics about using jQWidgets with WordPress, Joomla, BreezeJS, RequireJS and Twitter Bootstrap.
– jqxTreeGrid and jqxDataTable Columns Reorder.
– jqxTreeGrid, jqxDataTable and jqxTree Incremental Search.
– Theme Builder – Save/Load theme settings.
– Theme Builder – Added new theme settings.
– Documentation API Filtering.

What’s Improved:

– Bootstrap Theme.
– jqxDateTimeInput UI.
– jqxGrid columns auto-width behavior. If you do not set the width of a column, it will occupy the remaining space.
– Moved the Theme Builder’s Preview tab to the Settings Area.
– jqxResponse OS and OS Version detection.

What’s Fixed:

– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the full row edit feature, when a column is with different display and data fields.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the “destroy” method. Some touch event handlers were not removed.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the “loadState” method. The method did not load the state of a hidden Column, if the Column is Grouped.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the filtering of a Number column when the filtertype is set to “checkedlist”.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the virtual scrolling.
– Fixed an issue in jqxPanel regarding the horizontal scrollbar maximum value calculation on Touch Devices.
– Fixed an issue in jqxDragDrop regarding the dropTargetEnter and dropTargetLeave events when there are multiple drop targets situated one next to another.
– Fixed an issue in jqxDragDrop when the plugin is used in IFrame and the parent document’s domain is different.
– Fixed an issue in jqxMenu regarding the “destroy” method. Some touch event handlers were not removed.
– Fixed an issue in jqxRangeSelector regarding the “getRange” method’s return value when the RangeSelector’s margin is set in percentages.
– Fixed an issue in jqxComboBox regarding its selection when the input’s value is an empty string.
– Fixed an issue in jqxComboBox regarding its selection when ESC is pressed and the item’s value is Integer.
– Fixed an issue in jqxTreeGrid regarding the rendering after adding or removing records.
– Fixed an issue in jqxTooltip regarding the autoHideDelay property behavior.
– Fixed an issue in jqxCalendar regarding the keyboard navigation in Chrome 32.
– Fixed an issue in jqxDateTimeInput about entering a Date with the keyboard when the minDate is in the past.
– Fixed an issue in jqxSlider about the “change” event. The event was raised twice after calling the val method.

Breaking Changes: .jqx-icon-arrow-up, .jqx-icon-arrow-left, .jqx-icon-arrow-up and .jqx-icon-arrow-right CSS classes are now used for displaying icons in all widgets. That change may require the update of custom Themes.

If you have a question, comment, or suggestion for us, we would love to hear it, so do not hesitate to contact us.

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