jQWidgets 3.1.0

jQWidgets is happy to announce the availability of jQWidgets ver.3.1.0. This release brings multiple valuable additions to our suite.

New Widgets

1. jqxTreeGrid is a lightweight jQuery widget which represents data in a tree-like structure. The TreeGrid(popular also as Tree List) widget supports multi column display of hierarchical data, data paging, sorting and filtering, data editing, columns resizing, fixed columns, conditional formatting, aggregates and rows selection. You can view its online demos here: TreeGrid Demos.

2. jqxDataTable represents a jQuery Table widget built to easily replace your HTML Tables. It can read and display the data from your HTML Table, but it can also display data from various data sources like XML, JSON, Array, CSV or TSV. jqxDataTable comes with easy to use APIs and works across devices and browsers. It supports data paging, data editing, filtering, sorting, grouping, printing, data export and more. You can check out its online demo DataTable Demos

3. jqxRangeSelector is a widget which can easily be used to select a numeric or date range. The API of jqxRangeSelector allows for a variety of user settings to be applied such as setting the range in numbers, days, weeks, months, years, etc. To try this new widget, visit: RangeSelector Demos.

New PhoneGap Integration

Building Mobile Applications using jQWidgets just became easier. This release comes with Integration tutorials about building Mobile Applications with jQWidgets & PhoneGap targeting Android, iOS, Blackberry and Windows Phone 8. Using Adobe PhoneGap Build Cloud Service and Ripple Emulator is demonstrated, too.

New Key Features

1. jqxChart Polar axis rendering.
2. jqxChart Support for live data updates.
3. jqxChart Series toggle using legend check marks.
4. jqxChart Series toggle events.
5. jqxChart Axis text animation.
6. jqxChart Multi-line axis text.
7. jqxGrid Excel-like Filtering.
8. jqxGrid Full Row Edit.
9. jqxGrid Printing.

Responsive Layouts

All our widgets already support percentage sizing and the ability to automatically or manually adapt & resize themselves based on container resize events, device type or method calls. If you would like to view how our widgets work in scenarios with Responsive Layouts, check out the updated Mobile Demos.

To learn more about jQWidgets ver3.1.0, please visit: Release History.

With so much new additions, you may have a question, comment, or suggestion for us. If this is the case, we would love to hear it, so do not hesitate to contact us.

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